Count up counter my HAVC system

Hi All,

I am looking for flow to record my home exhaust fan motors running time, so that track the running hours and plan for next scheduled servicing or cleaning.

Please welcome your ideas what apps recommended possible in advance flow too :smiley:

Take time to look ad Google Sheets.

You can put all kind of data on and make calculations with it.

Self have I used for look ad a flow acting in nighttime and found a hick-up that came on 06:00.
Numbers where mix up but it was not to see later.

Also some flow part could put by a other flow line and save lot of calculation time.
With formulas on the sheet it was a double check.

For me it’s a good app for testing and documentation.
You cant get data back from sheet to Homey.

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You don’t provide much information. Let’s have a look… :crystal_ball:

Are there any triggers that can start and stop a timer? Something like Switched on/off or a power meter?

Currently I already have existing flow monitor the indoor and outdoor home temperature / humidity /dew point from Aqara Zigbee devices, the flow will activate (on/off) the home intake and exhaust motor using sonoff (mqtt) relay 24/7.

I would like to have virtual icon (maybe virtual device) to show accumulative running hours or even flag up if I set a threshold values (hours) to next servicing.

I am a bit confused on the count up flow , as all the while my homey flows currently on counts down so far.

You can start/pause a stopwatch, every time the motor is turned on and turned off; the stopwatch will keep on counting the hours.
Maintenance: there’s this flow trigger card…

…which triggers the flow at a given value, say 500 hours.
Just add several triggers for several intervals.

I like to use Chronograph timer app very much.
With the app Device Capabilities, you can create so called advanced virtual devices, which are able to show Chronograph timers/ stopwatches without using a flow.

You can view examples I made today here:


Thanks for sharing, I’ll take a look too.
BTW is the chronograph variable values stays in the event of power failure or pull plug ?

Yes. The stopwatch value is saved continuously.
(I’ve tested that, it survives a Homey restart).

Also, when a timer is started, a timestamp is created, and the timer counts towards it. After power failures or restarts, it continues to count towards that timestamp.

Thank you , I’m able to show the chronograph value in DC app.

One question in BLL expression if input “$value/1000” it will be showing Seconds, whereas I want to show Hours in decimals, how do i do it ?

round (($value/3600000), 2) is not working after trying.