Converting km/h to m/s in Netatmo app by Athom

Did you find a way to make Homey show m/s without using a script?

Yes, I made it in a flow. See encl.

Ok, ThanksPeter!

Hi Peter. How do you get the Variable to “connect” to the Value of your Netatmo number? Is it possible to explain more for a dummie like me on what you put inside the variable you have to create?

The variable #VINDSTYRKA comes from Netatmo in km/h and I create a new variable in m/s as a division of #VINDSTYRKA divided by 3,6.which I use to present the wind strength (Swedish = Vindstyrka)

Hi @Peter_Johnsson
How were you able to connect the Netatmo Windmeter to your Homey device? I can’t seem to find the Windmeter in the list of devices within the Netatmo app for Homey.


When your NetAtmo Wind Meter is connected to the NetAtmo base Weatherstation, add / update your NetAtmo Weatherstation in Homey:

All Weather Station devices are shown :

Hi Gergory,

Hmm… that’s strange, it appeared when I installed the Netatmo app:

Try to reinstall it after deleting the app from your Homey. I am using Homey Pro 2016…

Good luck!

Thanks !

Usually not necessary… uninstall removes you existing insights.