Connecting Gigaset Smart Home Alarm System With Homey

Hey I’m new here!

I just bought my Homey and I’m wondering if there is a possibility to connect my Gigaset smart Home Alarm system with Homey. I know there isn’t an app yet, but is it possible with something else?

If there isn’t an app there is almost 0% chance that it will work.
When “Gigaset smart Home Alarm” is a sub-brand of a brand that works with an app you could try but if that doesn’t work i think the only thing you can do is request an app or make one yourself.

App requests can be done here…

Hallo Daan,heb je als iets kunnen vinden voor de Gigaset?, ik zoek ook een app hiervoor

Please keep the conversation in English.

Hi all

I’m new to the forum and started with the homey.
I am very curious if anyone has already found something for the gigaset alarm system.


This topic is more required than before, because Gigaset stopped their servers. The high quality of the sensors and hardware is worth it to control & monitoring it locally… by Homey?

It is partly open source so maybe we can keep Gigaset Alive by Homey?
Wiki Gigaset_Elements_Base

Anyone interested?


Ben wel geïnteresseerd maar niet technisch genoeg om het te begrijpen.