Can't switch on the heater

Continuing the discussion from [APP][Pro] Mill Heating:


Can you help me,
I can’t switch on the heater in the homey app
In the Mill app is the switch off and if a these switch to on the it works the homey app fine.
But if i switch off the heater by Homey (works well) then goes the heater off. and can’t after that never switch on.

Mill Wifi max 1500W
Homey Pro 2023


Why start a new topic instead of just posting in the Mill Heating app topic?

Please ask in the appropriate topic as linked in the App store, or use the search to centralize questions about a specific App or device/brand.

[APP][Pro] Mill Heating

Therefore the post is moved into the appropriate topic, closed and will be automatically deleted in 7 days to keep the forum clean as possible. If you have any problems with that please feel free to contact me or another moderator.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [APP][Pro] Mill Heating