Can't get MQTT Broker app to run

Make sure that the module configuration in the Tasmota firmware matches the driver that you’re using to add the device to Homey.

i checked the module. it is basic (1) and the driver selected is tasmota basic. Uploading: 20190530_172603 (1).jpg…

still not finding the device. console after restart:
00:00:05 MQT: Connected
00:00:05 MQT: sonoffflood/LWT = Online (retained)
00:00:05 MQT: sonoffflood/cmnd/POWER =
00:00:06 MQT: sonoffflood/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Sonoff Basic”,“Version”:“6.5.0(release-sonoff)”,“FallbackTopic”:“cmnd/DVES_000000000000000000000000000_fb/”,“GroupTopic”:“sonoffs”}
00:00:06 MQT: sonoffflood/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“flood”,“IPAddress”:“”}
00:00:06 MQT: sonoffflood/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
00:00:06 MQT: sonoffflood/RESULT = {“POWER”:“ON”}
00:00:06 MQT: sonoffflood/POWER = ON
14:22:36 MQT: sonoffflood/STATE = {“Time”:“2019-05-30T14:22:36”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:14”,“Vcc”:4.094,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:22,“POWER”:“ON”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“Workshop”,“BSSId”:“B0:39:56:7E:3F:A5”,“Channel”:11,“RSSI”:92,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:04”}}

It looks like you’re using a non-standard MQTT topic setting. The “full topic” setting should be the default value: %prefix%/%topic%/

The “topic” setting can be chosen to your liking. For example, I have this configuration for my Sonoff RF Bridge:


its working like a charm

appreciated. it was the non-standard MQTT topic setting issue. much appreciated


I am reading this topic but it doesn’t solve my problem although it looks I am running into the same kind of issue:
When I try to install the sonoff basic(tosmota) from the equipment ( apparaat toevoegen) i get a screen asking for the MQTT broker hostname/IP
Her i fill the homey IP in ( in my case
the next is MQTTbroker port (1883) pre-filled in

and the I am asked to fille in the MQTT borker username and password (optional).
I don’t fille in these as they are optional
pressing “next step” results in the message
"“MQTT connectie kon niet worden gemaakt”

I have a sonoff basic flashed with tamota 12.3.1
below the infomatio from the sonoff:

Sonoff Basic


Program Version 12.3.1(tasmota)
Build Date & Time 2022-12-16T10:28:17
Core/SDK Version 2_7_4_9/2.2.2-dev(38a443e)
Uptime 0T00:03:24
Flash Write Count 22 at 0xFA000
Boot Count 8
Restart Reason Software/System restart
Friendly Name 1 sonoff01
AP1 SSId (RSSI) jtb (88%, -56 dBm) 11n
Hostname sonoff01-7567
MAC Address 4C:EB:D6:B7:3D:8F
IP Address (wifi)
Subnet Mask
DNS Server1
DNS Server2
HTTP API Enabled
MQTT Port 1883
MQTT User sonoff01
MQTT Client sonoff01
MQTT Topic sonoff01
MQTT Group Topic 1 cmnd/tasmotas/
MQTT Full Topic cmnd/sonoff01/
MQTT Fallback Topic cmnd/sonoff01_fb/
MQTT No Retain Disabled
Emulation None
ESP Chip Id 12008847 (ESP8285N08)
Flash Chip Id 0x14325E (DOUT)
Flash Size 1024 KB
Program Flash Size 1024 KB
Program Size 629 KB
Free Program Space 372 KB
Free Memory 26.4 KB

Tasmota 12.3.1 by Theo Arends

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

They are optional if you configured the broker to allow unauthenticated connections. Have you?

I did not chek the line: authenticatie van gebruikers aanzetten ( Wordt niet aangeraden)

should I do that?

I assume you mean “uitzetten”.

Whether you should do that or not is a personal preference. But if you don’t want to disable it, you need to create a user/password combination and configure your device to use it.

OK, I just checked the checkbok in the broker.
Now I seem to come a bit further: but I now come to a white screen with a turning Wheel
It is asking to (soft) reboot the sonoff ,which I did. and then it says
“no new equipment found”

So you’re using the Sonoff app? That app is deprecated (won’t be developed any further) and only works with Tasmota versions 6 and lower.

You’re going to have better luck with the Tasmota MQTT app.

Ok, This is actually working.!
Thank you so much. This took me three days of experimenting!