Can I reset the insight history of a variable

Is it possible to reset the insight history of a variable?

I have created a flow that is using several variables.
I want to monitor these variables using insights.

BUT during the testing of the flow I had some issues resulting in extreme values of the variables.

Now if I view the insight (week or bigger), the scale is determined by these extremes.
So I want to reset the insights of a few variables to get a fresh start.

Could not figure out howto (devices have a reset option, did not find that for variables)

I tried:
Renaming the variable: it nicely takes over the history (as expected)
Deleting the variable and creating it again: corrupt the flows so I need to replace the variables, and still does not reset.

Any suggestions?

The -1k value makes the small changes of this value unreadable

I don’t think it’s possible.
I also searched for a way to remove insigths after removing a capability. But there is no possibility in the SDK.

Of course is it possible within the WebApp → Insights:

Choose the variable, klick on the 3 dots and then Clear data.
It also works with self created variables.

Thanks for the hint. Then it’s possible in WebApp (via WebAPI), but not from inside an app. Learned something again :slight_smile:

I’m glad that I was also able to show you something you didn’t know yet. Usually it’s the other way around. :smiling_face:

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Thanks thats exactly what I was looking for

There are two more - when jailbreak-en, you can edit related RRD - eg. using RRD Editor. :slight_smile:

And probably more suitable, it’s also possible via WebAPI -

This will delete however ALL insights of given device, maybe it could be customized but haven’t done research.

…another example