Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Hmm, I wonder what is causing the colour to be wrong after applying a button configuration.
Could you enable the log then replicate that and send the log?

Of course and thanks for help! Will do it tomorrow.

I reinstalled homey yesterday and therefore now have the latest button plus app. What I see now is that I configured for example button bar 1 that when the buttons are on the LED on the back turns blue. Button bar 2 is configured when on to have the led on the front turn green.
Do I now start up button+ in button config 1 and apply the config then it works perfect. do I then switch it to bar config 2 and on then still the blue led behind comes on. This was not the case with the old app. Do I use a flow to set the color to a specific hue (red for example) then on whatever bar config I activate the red led comes on when turned on. Perhaps I am doing something wrong?

Hopefully I can see what is happening in the log.

Just sent a log. In this example, Config 19 is active on connector 3. The left side is ā€œonā€ and should be off at the back and red at the front. However, it remains off at the front side and blue on the back side as it was when the device turned on. Thanks for help!.

Thanks for the log. I think I see what is going wrong and I think it has pushed me to option 2 above.

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Sorry, was not my intention to have you to more work. The previous ā€˜stableā€™ version worked perfectly here. From February I believe. Is there any way to get it on my homey? I unfortunately had a reinstall to do and automatically the update was installed. USB backup is unfortunately no longer possible for me so couldnā€™t bypass it.

Option 2

Iā€™m trying to create a simple flow on a button press.
But whatever I do, the flow isnā€™t starting.

Tried it with both prod and test version 0.4.9.
Firmware of Button+ is 1.11.

Diagnostic log has ben send.

Same problem ( See conversation with Adrian above).
But I recognized, that the Button + often reacts very slow ( display update takes minutes). I wonder, weather there may be a relation to the poor WiFi capabilities of Button+, it seems to stick to the first AP connected and when moved to an other location in the same network, it often looses connection. ( see issues on Github).
So maybee itā€˜s not the app or the flow, but simply the Wifi? Adrien checked the flow and for him it worked well.
Did anyone else experience this?

Hmm, the updates on the screen are absolutely instant here. If I change a value on my phone a have to do that ā€˜blindā€™ and look to the button+ to see it changing. It is absolutely within a second. Butā€¦ I have adjusted flows to that.

Example, if a display value reflect logic, it is updating I instantly. But for the buttons, Iā€™ve adjusted the flows to update the button label when releasing the button AND when the value (on the button) changed.

Do you have an example what value is updating slow?

DonĀ“t think its related to a special value or action, the web-interface of the Button+ and my router often show lost connection.
So as some flows are not executed, I think this is not the problem of the App but due to lost connection. DonĀ“t know how to reset the WiFi-Settings to get get better signal from a closer AP, as the Button+ seems to keep one special AP in mind and doesnĀ“t care for Mesh.
Not sure, if this helps for @Rene_N s Problem or mine, but thatĀ“s my last idea to follow to make flows runā€¦

Hmm, strange. In my case the button+ (both of them) are connected to a mesh network (Asus - 3 AP). Most of the time they are on the same AP (closest to them) but I can see in the logging that they are also connected (sometimes) to the AP on the first floor. But overall the Button+ is nearly 24/7 connected to WiFi. Do you have an active roaming system? (Is your router pushing the devices to specific AP or is it a network with multiple APā€™s with the same SSID and passive roaming? O, and did you check your advanced WiFi settings? Things like ā€˜airtime fairnessā€™ can be a big issue. Sometimes the problem and solution is there.

I am not sure if it applies to your situation. But in my network (WiFi, Homey and Google devices) I discoverd automatically changing the channels (setting in the router) was the reason I lost the connection between Homey and Google - while other devices stayed connected).

I have published a new test version that should fix the LED colours when switching button configurations.

@Henk_Renting The new test version also has the Flow action card to re-apply the configurations.

The Flow card to change LED colours has also been updated but some features need the next firmware update (1.12).


Youā€™re the best, @Adrian_Rockall. Thx!
Will take a look at the Dutch translations as wellā€¦

Good morning! Wow, you did that really fast! I hope it didnā€™t take your whole evening!

I just did some testing. It seems that more often but not always yet the colors are being changed on button changes. Is there anything I can specifically test, log or provide to help?

Huge thanks for your time, effort and help!

Thank you both for your help. My Button+ is placed next to a Ap (AVM Fritz) which has a strong signal, but it doesnā€˜t connect to it. Modt of the time it shows no values, it refreshes only with a reset (pressing both buttons) I do not understand why, but I will check with the new Update Flowcard

Strange it is intermittent. Could you have the log enabled and then, straight after a failure, send the log again.

Could you open the app settings page and select the Diagnostics Log option and ensure the log is enabled. Then restart the app and send the log after it has finished starting up.

Just done. It looks like that the LEFT side of the button bars is working fine now! But really strange. All the issues are on the right side.

When making a button bar with left and right the same value and the same setting (back side blue, front OFF). The left side is perfect but the right side is not updating. Just enabling the led colors AND text from the previous button config. Any idea what is going wrong here?

Edit; just sent another log. All testing successfully on the left. On the right side only re-applying the config after every change is fixing the issue.

Thanks again for your time!!