[Beginner] Smart Porch Light Tutorial


Just as we can add additional {then} actions to a flow we can also easily add additional conditions which must be met before the actions will trigger. These are called {and} because {when} a trigger happens {and} another criteria is met {then} the action happens.

It might be worth noting that if the {and} criteria is not met then the action will not happen.

Or in our case, {when} the sun sets {and} we are not home {then} turn on the porch light, {then} set the homey to 100% brightness.


  1. [Fibaro Switch] (But you can use any smart light globe or switch.)
  2. [Date & Time] card, which give us access to time, date, day and even sun actions.
  3. [LED Ring] card, which gives us access to some homey LED ring actions.
  4. [Presence] card, which give us access to actions about peoples presence in the house.


  • {when}
  • {and}
  • {then} x 2


Just like the previous examples, we will be just adding a new card, this time though we will be adding it to the {and} section.

  1. After clicking edit, slide up the {and} section.
  2. Click the ⨁ Add Card and a list of possible conditions will load.
  3. Select the [Presence] condition and the options for that condition will be shown.
  4. Select the option [Nobody is home] then follow the normal process for saving.

{when} Sunset {and} Not Home {then} Turn on light {then} set Ring LED to 100% brightness.


That’s it, now the porch light will only come on if no one is home.