[Beginner] Smart Porch Light Tutorial

{then} -> [delay]

Now that our lights are turning on when we want and out LED ring is behaving correctly, we want to make sure the porch light doesn’t accidentally stay on all night. Which is much easier then it sounds.

Delays allow action to be triggered at the when the flow runs, but for it to not occur until a later time specified by us.

We want it so that if the light is turned on when the sun sets, to then turn off the light after 3 hours.


  1. Fibaro Switch (But you can use any smart light globe or switch.)
  2. [Date & Time] card, which give us access to time, date, day and even sun actions.
  3. [LED Ring] card, which gives us access to some homey LED ring actions.
  4. [Presence] card, which give us access to actions about peoples presence in the house.


  • {when}
  • {and}
  • {or} + {and}
  • {then} x 2
  • {then} -> [delay]
  • {else}


We can automatically turn off the porch lights with in the same flow by using a delay. In this case we are going to keep it really simple and just turn off the porch light 3 hours after it is triggered.

  1. We are going add a turn light off card to the {then}
  2. Select [Turn off] from the actions
  3. With the in card change the delay to 10800 seconds.

When out light is turned on, it will not turn itself off after 10800 seconds, which is 3 hours.

{when} Sunset {and} Not Home {or} Its Friday {and} in Spring {then} Turn on light {then} [delay] 180 Minutes - Turn off light {then} Set RING LED 5% {else} Set LED Brightness 100%


Lights will not turn off i 180 minutes hours after they were automatically turned on.

This is a very powerful tool, but beware you will have issues if you use it in places where it gets triggered multiple times such as a motion detector.