[Beginner] Smart Porch Light Tutorial

{then} again

Previously we created a flow, which would turn on the porch light at sunset, but we can do as many actions as we like. In this example we will be adding a second {then} which will also brighten the Homey LED when the sun sets.


  1. [Fibaro Switch] (But you can use any smart light globe or switch.)
  2. [Date & Time] card, which give us access to time, date, day and even sun actions.
  3. [LED Ring] card, which gives us access to some homey LED ring actions.


  • {when}
  • {then}


Using the flow we started in the previous post, adding another {then} action is as simple as going to {then} section and adding another action.

  1. Slide up the {then} section
  2. Click ⨁ Add Card
  3. Select the ‘LED Ring’ action a list of options will be displayed.
  4. Select the ‘Set Brightness’ option and the values of this option will be displayed.
  5. Move the slider to ‘100%’ then click the in the top right.
  6. And finally click ✓ Save from the bottom left of the screen.

{when} Sunset {then} Turn on light {then} Set RING LED 100%


Now at sunset, not only will our porch light turn on, but our Homey LED ring will brighten up.