Ask homey if a light is on?

From my PC I want to ask Homey if a certain light is on or off. Does anybody have an idea on how to that in a smart way?

Maybe you can do something with webhooks.
Send a webhook from youre pc to Homey and let Homey say yes ot no or show it in the timeline. Or let a virtual switch turn on or of.
Look in this community for webhook.

What type of PC - Mac or Windows? Also how do you want to ask (voice, text, click on a link?) and how do you want it to respond (voice, text, something else)?

Also, what kind of Homey are you using - just the app, the Homey bridge or the Homey Pro?

If you can answer these then it will be easier to give suggestions that will work for you.

You could use this app.

Call it via REST.
Make an AdvancedFlow where you check the light and then return the result as JSON.

Hi Jonathan, In a C# Windows App I want to ask Homey if a light is on? REST would be nice.
I have named all devices with a unique name under each zone so I can get the device object by:

const devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();
const device = Object.values(devices).find((p) => === name && p.zoneName == zone);

Is there a REST on homey?? I would settle for MQTT as well. It does not matter that it will be asynchronous.

I’m on a 2016 Pro (waiting for the new one :-)).

Thanks in advance!
/Ulf Modig

Now I saw the response above. Maybe the local API app will solve it. I didn’t know that it existed. Will try it out…

Thanks for the tip, hadn’t found this app but I’ll try it out.

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Yes I was just about to suggest that app also. I use it extensively and it will do exactly what you need via REST