Aqara motion senzor P1 - range and lux value

I have HP2023 and I want to buy 8 aqara P1 motions sensors.
1.I want to know if the detection range (low, medium, high) is exposed on homey app (because I don`t have aqara bridge). If it is not exposed if I also buy a aqara bridge will it help so I can use via the homey flows?
2.Also about lux value. I heard that it is not exposed to the user like the old sensor did. Can we acces that value via homey script or another way? Also, that value is available also when motion is not detected?

In the app store you can view the standard available flowcards, to get an impression of the possibilities:


For the range question, also ask in the official app topic please.
There seem to be no flowcards for that yet.

… source? In common, motion sensors send lux values along with a motion event (to safe battery life).

Yes, but it will just not change until the next motion event AND the illuminance changed in the meantime.

When you want to trigger on certain lux levels, you’d better look for a lux sensor.

ok, thank you.
For the range question I was interested if somebody see in the settings of the senzor (advanced settings) in homey app the range settings so I can set it to be more ore less sensible. (the same as you set the alarm time out in seconds).
About the lux thing I saw on youtube that at list for homekit that value is not exposed. So wondering if for homey is the same.


Yes it has also lux.

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Thank you. One more question, is the marketed range of 7 meters real? Or at list 5m? I a have long room :slight_smile:

I can’t tell that, but there are quite sensitiv

Thank you!!

You can’t say that in general. Z-Wave motion sensors, e.g. from Fibaro, Aeotec, NEO Coolcam, update the lux value independently of motion detection.
The Philips Hue Outdoor Sensor (Zigbee) also updates the lux value independently of motion detection.
That’s why I think the behavior varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and possibly from model to model.

Yea I used the wrong English. I meant ‘often sensors in the cheaper range tend to send lux values only along with motion events