Apple Watch no longer running scenes

Hey all,

I have an issue that I hope you can help me solve. I have the Apple Watch app installed and favorited some scenes to conveniently running them from the Apple Watch.
That was working great, but at some point it just stopped working. The scenes work fine if I start them on my iPhone, but starting the same one from my watch looks like it works but does not actually produce any result.
What I mean is the button on the watch responds and does its little animation, but the action that is supposed to happen by running the scene does not happen.
This goes for all the scenes.

I have already removed the app and reinstalled to see if that helps. Unfavorited the scenes and favorited them again but no result.
And that was about all I could think of.

Anyone have any idea how I can get this working again?


Hi, I have the same problem.

I can see the flows on the watch, I can start them, and on the watch they show that they run ok. But in reality, nothing happens.

Everything works fine on my iPhone.

Find the solution here: Apple watch flows not working - #3 by Perron