[APP][PRO] Zigbee2MQTT

Kudos for your analysis. I had never noticed this point and you just helped me debug similar issues for other Homey apps.

Thanks for your help

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new version 1.0.5 available as test: Zigbee2MQTT | Homey

This adds device class mapping in Homey (socket, light, sensor, etc.)

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new version 1.0.6 available as test: Zigbee2MQTT | Homey

  • Stability fixes.
  • Increased maxListeners (devices) to 100.

new version 1.1.0 available as test: Zigbee2MQTT | Homey

  • You can now set the network in Allow Join mode from the Homey app.
  • The number of joined devices is now shown
  • The number of messages per minute is now shown
  • When the bridge is offline, the devices will show as unavailable.

To make use of the new functionality you need to delete the bridge in Homey, and add it again. Your existing Homey devices and flows will remain working (after app restart)


Hello @Gruijter ,
Thank you again for your investment in the Zigbee2MQTT plugin. I have presence sensors, thermostatic head and power strip in my Z2M instance.
However, you can see in the screenshots, the capabilities are not included. In HA this is ok but not in Homey.
I think it’s a mapping problem?

Do you have a sample source file so I can help you add new devices?

Thank you so much !

Here is the repo: GitHub - gruijter/com.gruijter.zigbee2mqtt: Connect Zigbee devices to Homey via Zigbee2MQTT

For simple ‘exposures’ I created a mapping file for your pull request: https://github.com/gruijter/com.gruijter.zigbee2mqtt/blob/main/capabilitymap.js

But actually I still need to figure out how more complex devices like thermostats and the FP1 presence sensor are reported in Z2M, so that I can make a sort of standardized mapping method. And since I don’t have those devices myself it is almost impossible for me now.

You could donate those devices to me, and in return I could add the devices. Or if you are against donating ( :wink: ) you temporarily could give me remote access to your mqtt broker and just maybe I can already figure it out just from the mqtt messages. But you would have to trust me completely…

If you want to donate a device, give me a link where I can order, and supply the funds including shiping to NL:

Would it help to send you just the MQTT message payload data?

Yes. I need the full devices, and the state messages

I noticed each time I install (or upgrade) this app, I need to click install twice due to an error popping up:


Is that just for me or a generic ‘issue’?

That is an app store issue. Not related to the app itself afaik.

Generic issue indeed. I’m also getting “invalid JSON” errors with random app installs. Just hitting install again ‘solves’ it.

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{"cli":" ","detection_delay":0.1,"device":{"applicationVersion":70,"dateCode":"","friendlyName":"AanwezigheidWoonkamer","hardwareVersion":1,"ieeeAddr":"0x70ac08fffe9dbf2c","manufacturerID":4098,"manufacturerName":"_TZE204_ztc6ggyl","model":"ZY-M100-L","networkAddress":18660,"powerSource":"Mains (single phase)","stackVersion":0,"type":"Router","zclVersion":3},"fading_time":60,"illuminance_lux":10,"linkquality":248,"maximum_range":5,"minimum_range":0.6,"presence":true,"radar_sensitivity":7,"self_test":"check_success","target_distance":2.08}

Is this the sort of information you are looking for? Willing to help you map devices, but not sure how to do it yet. This is not the FP1, but another mmwave tuya sensor.

Guys, what do I need to make my Blitzwolf SHP-13 working with HP2023 and this app?

Hi @Gruijter, I’m willing to donate this radiator thermostat (either by supplying funds or by handing a physical device to you; I’ll be in the city of Utrecht this saturday evening and probably next tuesday).
It would be nice to have a working driver (at least a possibility to set a temperature) by the end of autumn :wink:

Reading temperature setting, current temperature, acitve status (is it heating or not) and battery level already works.
Please let me know if you prefer the funds or the physical object.

I’ll send you a PM. If it is supported by Z2M I would love to add that since I surely could use the donated thermostat myself. I see several versions of the TuYa thermostat here, so I guess it is supported: | Zigbee2MQTT

Thx for the effort, but this doesnt contain what I need. I think I need the full zigbee2mqtt/bridge/devices, and the state messages from zigbee2mqtt/friendly_name.

But without the physical device it will be hard for me anyway to implement support.

Just found out it is a regular power plug. That is already supported by the Homey app. So that means you haven’t read the first post where I already explained what you need to use the app…

I have read this post, but I don’t understand the bridge thing. I need to use another device (and add it 1st and after that I can add SHP-13), like Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or it is not necessary?

In Homey you first need to add the MQTT broker that Zigbee2MQTT is reporting to. This is called the bridge. You do understand you need to run an MQTT broker and Zigbee2MQTT before starting in Homey?