Sorry added a text for clarification. Im working on it. Will release once i have a stable test. I just have some small issues that Im working on. Also need to create some images etc for the design. Then I will release as test here for you guys to test it out.
Hi Ludvig,
great, WLED is something I wanted to try, but somehow I always missed the starting point.
Do you have any recommendations for controllers and stripes to start with playing around? I’m a bit overwhelmed, especially with the stripes.
Hey there. The nice thing here is that its very straight forward as long as you can do some smal soldering. More or less you need to solder 3 wires to the ESP32 and then 3 on the ledstrip.
Solder on the ESP VCC to + or VCC on led normally to the right,
Solder on the ESP GND to - normally left
Solder on the ESP IO16 to the middle
Install WLED on the device by connecting tor you computer and go to to install and config wifi
Download the WLED Native app on app store to do all the fancy settings like saying how many leds you have etc
Use this app to make flows and handle it via Homey
A bit quick guide here of course. There are probably hundres of youtube videos and guides on how to do it. So just find your self some solder stuff, a esp32, a random led and get going.
If the Wled app can control it then it should work but can’t give any promises. It’s only tested with an esp32 device. My app work via the wled API so as long as that is normal I can’t se why not.
Thank you for this information. I have many WLED Controllers in my Home.
Now I use the App D.A.L.O.R to control all my WLEDs with Homey Pro.
Would you like to add WLED presets or other stuff in your App?
Mm I have problems with DALOR that why I made this. Not all my units are found with discovery and sometimes I have devices on different subnet. And since you cant add manually or you cant change existing either I made this
Have added presets now for 1.0.1 that is under review.
Hello, I share your opinion. I’ve also had problems adding new devices. Even after successfully adding them, I have to disable a setting in the respective device so that not the light turns on automatically if the controller is lost. Where i can download/ test your app?