Hit means that is signal is received that matches the signature for that protocol. OK means that is passes validity checks like e.g. CRC.
If you have a HP2023, then signal reception/processing is just very bad on that model (compared to HP2019). That would explain your low percentage for Oregon v3. Athom is not addressing this and there is nothing the app can do to fix this. See 433 MHz signal reception processing on Homey Pro 2023 is very poor · Issue #347 · athombv/homey-apps-sdk-issues · GitHub.
I have the 2019 Pro.
Unfortunately this app is broken for me. Even after all I have done the sensor values freezes after some time and the only thing I can do to remedy it is to reboot Homey.
This happened just now and I saw in the app that all sensors were gone from the list under app settings.
As you stated, the app hasn’t changed in a long time. So how can it suddenly be broken? Only the Homey FW has changed, so maybe you should say that is broken.
Well, if an app that is created solely for a specific hardware doesn’t keep up with the hardware I would say the app is broken.
It’s not different from when Apple updates the FW of iPhones. Apps need to be updated to work with the new FW to keep working. No one blames Apple if a phone app doesn’t work after a FW update.
Just so I know, you are not going to look into this issue? You are the app developer right?
I know that app developers aren’t payed from Athom or anyone else, which I think is outrageous, so I would gladly contribute to this app since it’s one of the apps I use most in my system. But I can’t pay for something that doesn’t work for me.
Apps for specific hardware as you mention are for specific devices Homey can connect to. These devices have not changed and neither has the app. They are independent of the Homey hardware - Athom ‘guarantees’ they work the same on all types of Homeys (which is unfortunately not the case). Your issue is not something that can be fixed in the app. Best solution I see at this point is to remove the app from the store to get rid of these kind of complaints.
Well, if that’s your view I’ll guess I’ll have to find a different way to use 433 MHz sensors in my system.
Hej, same here, I noticed that suddenly app stopped to work and values are not more obtained from sensors. I have three sensors and all stopped to work. @Paxman have you find any alternative for 433 Mhz?
I managed to “fix” it. I have entered app settings, changed activity parameter to 60 min, then reverted back to 30 min, and I could see there reading from sensors. After that I’m getting data
Unfortunately no. Just today I dusted off a Fibaro motion sensor to do some testing to see if that could be a suitable replacement for my 433 MHz light sensor, but unfortunately it’s not. I use a temperature sensor as a light sensor (modded by me) and this is the Insight for the two just now:
As you can see the Fibaro is not that sensitive while the modded temperature sensor is much more precise. Is that critical…no, but I really hate straight Insight graphs in Homey since as a user you have no idea if the sensor is dead or if the value has not changed enough to register as a change.
It’s still to soon to be sure…but after gotten an answer from Athom on my support ticket about this issue asking me to test another power supply I tried a third power supply and now my system has been stable for over 24 hours! I’ll hold my breath for a couple of days…but if it runs as is should I will know that the PS indeed was the culprit for me. In that case I will eat crow and apologise to @nlrb. I will also find a way to show my appreciation for the app.
Sadly it was too soon…the freezing still occurs with a different power supply. I’ll have to wait for the next suggestion from Athom.