[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

@Henny_Housekeeping and receiving of messages?

HI Martijn great app thanks !!!

I experienced a few problems
The AND cards from your app are not working.
The only AND cards which are working are the standard logic cards.
Maybe its just better to remove the ones from the app/device

Regards, Jeroen

Hi @Jeroen_Hus
Please elaborate?

Iā€™m not aware of broken AND cards?

I tried to use the AND cards behind the device selection (my personal number) using the standard received text and ā€œsenderā€ card. If both true the send reply ā€¦ nothing worked.

Using the standard homey logic cards connected to the when received-card gave the correct selection of variables and the flow eventualy worked perfect.

Using the logic AND cards after selecting you ā€œdeviceā€ doesnā€™t get the flow going and without result.

Regards, Jeroen

@Jeroen_Hus Ok but you said all cards? But i think only the 2 you just mentioned right?
Iā€™m using the AND cards my self and it works perfectly. So just trying to understand what exactly isnā€™t working

your suggestion of deleting the cards is a no-go this app has a lot of users and removing the card will break a lot of flows.

Can you maybe share your flow? so I can see what doesnā€™t work?

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Understand ā€¦ have been busy for a week to get the flow working again as it broke down.

No clue what caused it (could be my fault I did some wrong).

It seemed so easy ā€¦

Donā€™t worry my flow works again. Thereā€™s just a difference between the AND cards from homey and your app.

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I found the difference ā€¦ I used the sender and sender nummer wrong sorry

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@Jeroen_Hus ah! good that you found that. Then for now i wonā€™t make any changes :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve got it working. Restarting the app did the trick. But after a few hours, it fails again. So i made a flow that restarts the app twice a day. Didnā€™t have any issues since.

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New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.27.14):


1: None

1: FIX: use cloud url or construct own url when Homey ManagerImages doesnā€™t provide the localurl

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Issue list: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #3 by martijnpoppen

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Recently, I can no longer connect my Homey to WhatsApp. After entering the number, it keeps loading. I do receive a notification on WhatsApp, and I accept it, but a connection code never becomes visible.

report sent: d6d44f1f-72e5-4c62-8c3d-4d7718daffcd


@Kees_Hendriksen please translate your post to English this is a English topic

For your issue: use the homey webapp

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thnx! that was the solution, i send myself a text message every 12 hours.

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Hi Martijn, I am working on a flow for an automated (vacation) message. I would like to add the option to exclude the message when I send a message. Is it possible to add a card based on incoming / outgoing messages? Please advise,

@TonySopr so if I understand correctly you want to ignore a specific number ? Currently not possible and donā€™t really see that as a feature of this app as the native WhatsApp also doesnā€™t have that option

Hi, since today WhatsApp is not working anymore? Anyone else also has problems?

@Glenn_K did you already try a repair of the WhatsApp device in Homey ?

Thats also not working :frowning:

@Glenn_K you clicked the repair? Did you try via homey webapp?

Repair over phone (web) did not work. Over Chrome on desktop did! Thank you.

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