[APP][Pro] Webhook.manager

Dank je wel @Jorden; zeer gewaardeerd!
Heb een biertje voor je gekocht.

En zal even reclame voor je maken, hopelijk willen meer gebruikers van je apps je sponsoren:

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In English please… :wink:

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Thanks @Henk_Renting !

I have an updated version of the ImageGrabber available in test.

I was able to grab https and http images from a webserver without a problem. However, I was at this moment unable to test the grab-with-a-username-and-password-card since I don’t have any devices running here that require a username and password.

If someone could test that, that would be highly appreciated.

Please note that if you get to testing, the image should show up at Homey Developer Tools and you can combine it with the builtin Homey push notifications “send an image”-card.
It might or might not work with the current Telegram Bot app.


This is a useful standalone HTTP server package for Node.js that also supports basic authentication: http-server - npm

WebhookManager SDK v3 version is available for testing as well now.


simple question:
i’m not a webhook specialist, but have a basic understanding.

Is it possible to send a webhook from an external shelly Thermometer (external to homey) to this platform and react within Homey to this webhook and get the temperature via webhook?

This depends on the Shelly Thermometer whether it’s able to send WebHooks or not, not on the Webhook.manager app.
And if the Shelly Thermostat is able to send WebHooks, then you don’t need the Webhook.manager app to interact with Homey, that can be done with the Homey Build-In feature.

@Undertaker has already mentioned it in this post. :man_shrugging:t3:

thank you, but as i mentioned the shelly thermometer (H&T) can not see homey via IP, nor via URL. As far as i understood, the build in feature requires that the device can see homey, which is not the case.
That’s the reason why i’m looking for a solution which is reachable from both sides…

No that’s not the case. Both is possible. Send a webhook within the internal WLAN network and the IP address, or send a webhook with the Home CloudID from external.

Internal address:


Externel address:


But the direction is only from H&T to Homey, and not vise versa.

That’s another question again. What should Homey send to H&T?

ah cool, you are right i only need a path from the Shelly to Athom.
you wrote //HomeyCloudID
this is “https: //my.homey.app/homeys/ID” ?

problem is that shelly H&T only use HTTP not HTTPS. I guess this is a road blocker?

Yes, that’s your cloudID

For internal use, you have to use http:


Don’t know if the H&T is only able to use HTTP, I don’t own a H&T myself. But that’s the reason why I wrote in post #27, that it depends on the H&T and not on the Webhook.manager app or the build-in feature.

I have a problem to get any webhook to do anything. I tried POST and GET version of it. There is no reaction in anyway. I tried with only the event data and also with the full data1 to data3. There is no response or reaction. The status is always 200 OK.

I also have a problem, if the POST request NEEDS all three data values. I want to use the webhook from Sleep as Android and it only provides the event value, nothing further. I also have to use the POST version, because the URL hase no variables I could use to tell what event I want to trigger.

Did you copy the tags correctly? The complete URL (including de token, event name and the text after /webhook/) is case sensitive - so make sure to copy it exactly as it is stated on the settings page.

The app still works with the latest firmware. I tested it 2 seconds ago with a fresh install on my Homey Pro 2019.

The GET works with just 1 value. Not sure about the POST. The status 200 OK is generated by the Athom cloud server, meaning that your values were correctly posted to the cloud server. Your Homey will only receive it if it is correctly logged in to the cloud server webhook. If you make a mistake in the token, it will not correspond to your Homey token, meaning your data will not be received by Homey.

Perhaps you can show me screenshots, send them in a private message here or by e-mail on info@corbata.nl

Yes, I copied it as it is from the settings page. I have a homey 2023. I tried with POST and GET, both copied and only changed the event name.
What exactly should I make screenshots of?

Screenshots of your flow in Homey, and copy the GET-URL (but don’t post it here, as others will have the possibility to send data to your flow otherwise).

I haven’t tested it on the Homey Pro 2023 since I don’t have one yet. The WebhookManager uses an old version of the Athom cloud that should still work, but that might be part of the problem. Maybe other people on the forum here with a Pro 2023 can share if this app works for them or not.

I have also an homey 2023, and it is not working. What do you need to look into this?

You can use the onboard logics cards.

Or take a look at the micro web server app

The last couble of days webhook manger stopped working in my homey, I does not help to restart Homey. Has others expirenced the same?

I’m new to webhook manager, just set it up yesterday but have been unable to use it to trigger any responses. Posting to my webhook url gives me the expected ‘ok’ response, but no matter what I try I’m not able to make it trigger a flow.

Does anyone have an idea of what I’m doing wrong, or am I experiencing the same issues as @Kongedam ?