[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

Hi, I dont have a personal weather station so i created a fake station on WU hoping it can be virtual station this way i can pull forecasts into WU homey app and add weather in my flows.
But my station stays offline on WU.
Am i wrong ?

WU requires the weather station to push data to it on a regular basis else it will be marked as offline. So I don’t think your approach will be possible.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall, I have a temperature in the WU Forecast Device, which wasn’t updated since several days. What temperature is it, and why isn’t it updated?

I’m not sure. What is the name tag of it?
Unfortunately my Homey died this morning so I can’t check on mine.

Just “Temperature”. So it seems to be the current temperature.

Oh no!!! :see_no_evil:

New Homey on order but not sure how long it will take to arrive.

Could you send me the log from the Configure App page.

Send you a PM.

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@Adrian_Rockall seems to be fixed with v3.0.7 test version.

Thank you for your efforts and great support!

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@Adrian_Rockall Are you planning a Homey Cloud version of the app as well?

The test version does work on the cloud but not sure if it will ever be allowed in the release channel. The main problem is it requires you to get a key from the WU server which is not currently acceptable for Homey as it is considered to complicated.

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could I use this app w/out having my very own device linked to WU?

No, you need to register a weather station to be able to get the required API key.

makes sense, I’ll see if there’s a cheap one out there

Look on my Misol app topic. It has a link to the Misol hub and a weather station a bit further down. Total price is about £50 and allows local access plus links to WU.

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The Weather Underground app has been rejected for Homey (cloud) so I will have to remove that capability.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

This is so disappointing, it worked perfectly. Thanks for the effort. For me, the rejection is another point to end the Bridge experiment soon.

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I’m curious what the reason is?

  1. It doesn’t conform to the required login method of username and password because you have to obtain an API key from outside the Homey system. Athom consider this to be an advanced procedure that might confuse the target user. I did suspect that would be an issue based on the guidelines but thought I would try it anyway.
  2. It competes with Homeys built in weather service.

Ah, well, that makes some sense. Thanks for sharing.

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It’s off-topic but I think it’s a very important information.

On a Homey Pro, the WU app also competes with the Athom weather service.
Should we now fear that all apps, bridges or hubs “competing” with Athoms Homey will be removed from the App Store sooner or later?
E.g. the deCONZ app was removed from the App Store due to (to me) unknown disputes. Very many users have used the deCONZ app because they are not satisfied with Homey’s Zigbee. So the deCONZ app is basically a competing app as well.