[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

I don’t think Homey Pro is under threat from that, at least for existing apps.
For Homey I think Athom just want to keep it as simple as possible and by not having ‘competing’ products removes choice and therefore no need for a user to make a decision :wink:

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Apologies on OT but the disputes are know… saying that I don’t fear they will start removing apps - if so, I will start removing Homey unfortunately (but I still believe it’s fantastic product).

Really ? They really provide comparable functionality yet ? And if so, I wonder what they are afraid of - having better product then their own ? I think this can’t harm anyone, to have choice. It’s a pity that Athom does’t think so.

You haven’t met my wife :rofl:

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:joy: :joy: :joy:

I can’t find a built in weather service in the Bridge and the data from my froggit weather station probably can’t be mapped by the internal weather service.
Would the “Misol and Ecowitt” app also be rejected?

I had the same problem. The limited data is available via tags that can be used in the Logic card. I have pointed out the data is very well hidden and very limited. Also Homey has no way to trigger on it. There was no point in me arguing that point as it would still have been reject due to the login method.

Yes as it uses local WiFi access.

And this is supposed to be easier than entering an api key? You don’t have to understand that.

Too bad, I thought it could be picked up via www.ecowitt.net

No, that app takes push notifications directly from the hub so no Internet connection is required at it is fast to update. No forecast information is available though.

I have been getting a number of logs showing “Error 204 No data found”, which means the weather station has not sent any readings to Weather Underground for 1 hour or more. If you seen this error in the log then try restarting your weather station.

Also please note that I get none of your personal information in the log so I have no way to get back to you unless you send me a message via this forum or GitHub.

@Adrian_Rockall I’ve added the Weather Underground app 3.0.9 to my Homey and now I am stuck at entering my API key. The key doesn’t get accepted and does this mean that this app won’t work anymore?
Greetings Erik

I’m not aware of any problems and mine is still working fine.
Are you using copy and paste to enter the key or typing it?

Is it a new key or one you have had for a while?
Just wondering if it takes some time for the key to activate.

I’ve got a new weatherstation and I’ve copied the ID and API key via the copy button of the Weather underground app. I am trying again to get it done.
The error says:
Can not find Station ID location or invalid API-key. Would you like to add this station anyway?
2nd error
Could not find that PairSession

It works! I restarted the app and regenerated the API-key again en pasted it in the app.
Thanks for your reply.

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Hi Adrian, I like your WU App (and your Mercedes App ;-)).
I’m experiencing an issue though. I’v been able to add a my weather station, but I cannot add a weather forecast device using the same Station ID and API Key. While the weather station properly shows values. It mentions it cannot find the Station ID or API key is invalid (I used Get API button and copy/pasted it). Also it doesn’t even add it if the device if I press OK after “do you want to add the device anyway?”. It stays on the configuration window with the Station ID and API Key. Any suggestions?

Could you enable the log in the Configure App screen (blue tick) then try to add the forecast. After it has failed, copy the contents of the log window and send it to me via a PM.
If you can let me know your station id (public information so not giving away any secrets), then I will try to add the forecast with my key.

A sugesstion:
Can you make the ‘arrow’ for direction of the wind actually point towards the direction the wind is coming from?
Can you instead of using the degree as direct of wind mention for example “North-East”?

The icons can’t be changed on the fly via the API, but I agree it would be nice.
I could add a custom text capability to show wind direction as N, NE, E, SE, etc. so I will look into that.

NIce app it works fine. I have question. The inside temperature can’t be captured with the api from wunderground?

Unfortunately that information is not passed into the app. All the information is shown here:

Also , if you enable the log in the Configure App page, you can see the data that is returned.