[APP][Pro] Virtual Devices - Virtual Devices to simulate 1 or more real devices

If you delete the insight yourself, is it recreated by homey again?

I hadn’t even noticed that deleting an insight was even possible

I deleted that particular insight from the (virtual) device, and then restarted the app. The insight did not reappear afterwards, but whether it may reappear after some time remains to be seen.

Thanks for replying. It sounds like a me problem then.
It started with 2 out off 5 VD. I deactivated all flows thinking it might be the problem, then uninstalled and reinstalled the VD app. Added 5 new VD. Then it accrued with all 5 VD turning on after restart. Probably a bug in my Homey.

@Arie_J_Godschalk Just discovering this app. Small wish :blush:


Would it be possible to show the uploaded icon in the same size as the standard icons?

Any chance to add a “fan” or “fan only” mode on this menu on the virtual thermostat ?
Was unable to find somewhere to add it myself.

would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

I have the exact same issue. It has been bugging me for a couple of weeks, but only now I had the time to look into it. Virtual devices which seem to be turned on, are failing flow cards “device is on”. Other virtual devices are turned off on restart or update of Homey.

I’m not sure since when, but @Arie_J_Godschalk, do you have any idea to fix this?

Not sure what you mean with this?

Please take a look at Advanced Virtual Devices from the Device Capabilities app.
If its not available yet, you can requeat a custom picker/list.

picture says hopefully more than words :slight_smile:

Hi, I was starting to play around with this app and I was wondering if it might be possible to add custom subcapabilities to as well? For example I’m currently trying to do a BLE presence detection with esphome and a webhook from homey and that works very well with virtual devices. But potentially I would need to create a bunch of homey devices for each phone/watch I’m trying to track instead of being able to track all of them on separate subcapabiltiies, e.g. alarm_motion.phone_abc, alarm_motion.watch_xyz

Please see the Advanced Virtual Device from the Device Capabilities app.

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Perfect, exactly what I was looking for!

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Hey there,
I am using this for many cases, so first of all: thank you for your great work!

I was just wondering if it is possible to get a virtual device for an old CD-/Tape-Deck. So in many cases similar to a speaker, but with a Power-Switch. This would be extremely nice, because I could get things to be usable with homey, that are about 30 years old.

In my case I need to combine a smart plug for on/off-capabilities with infrared Pronto Hex commands for the control itself.

Thank you again for your work so far!

Hi @lukenukemmp3


Hey @Peter_Kawa, thank you very much for your fast reply.

I am using the AVDs already, but I think there are usecases (like the one I mentioned) the would be much easier to use with this app.

But I am sorry, if I bothered anyone with my question. That was clearly not my intention. I just read the topic about creating your own IR-device and thought it could be a good workaround to do it with this app. But if it is not possible to implement (or maybe not worth the effort, which is totally fine), no problem.

I will have a deeper look into the AVDs for my usecase.

This app is totally awesome without this, no doubt.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Asking questions is free!
I just think an AVD is what you need here. You can create a remote-like device, which can be turned on/off.
If you need any help creating things, just ask in the AVD topic, thanks!


Hi All!
I’m strucling to create the Fibaro Smart implant to be a contact sensor in the app Virtual Devices.
Re Mr Danee de Kruyff at Heimdall app, I need to make an Virtual Devices for The Fibaro Smart Implant to use in the Heimdall app and here i got into trouble to do so.
The Fibaro Smart implant will only be installed as an energy sensor. See enclosed Screenshot.

However I will use it as an Switch and use the wire input one to be triggered from my read magnet switches used from my earlier GSM alarm controling my windows and doors in our summer house.
I have set up an test rig with only 3 pcs Fibaro Smart Implants FGBS 222. Theese are newly bought. So they are in the latest software and saftey stand.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
I’m an newbe to use Flows and fiddling around with parameters, all help is greatful!
Best regards
Jan Alveström

I want to advise to use an advanced virtual device, which is part of the Device Capabilities app.
This device needs no flows, and it ‘translates’ (or ‘mirrors’ if you will), a switch into a contact sensor, which then can activate the zone.
If I’m right, this is what Mr de Kruyff adviced you to do

This is all there is to it:

  1. add a new device, pick Device Capabilities
  2. select Advanced Virtual Device.
  3. choose “Creating an empty AVD”
  4. edit the proposed device name, and finally, pick an icon.
  5. → right after that the device gets added to Homey.
  6. right click the device tile and hit ‘Repair’
  7. create Button, and enter a name

  1. at “Show as”, select “On/Off”
  2. “Create real flow cards” is optional
  3. at “Reflect”, select “Devices”
  4. at “Device”, you’d select your Fibaro implant
  5. at “Propery”, you’d select “input 1” or “output 1” (or how it’s called)
  6. “Create tag” is optional

Screenshot from 2024-08-03 18-26-20

Enter device settings. Now as you can see, the device has now the “Exclude from Zone Activity” option, which indicates it is able to activate the zone

Screenshot from 2024-08-03 18-30-19


Thank’s a lot Mr Kawa for your advice!
I’ll try tomorrow and see if I manage to make it work.
Fine with the step by step how I shall do it.
I wish you and nice weekend.
Jan A

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Hi Mr Kawa!
I have one questeion regarding your advice,
Today I have all my Fibaro Smart Implants under the Fibaro app.
Do I need to deinstall them from the Fibaro app before I’ll start to install them under the Advanced Devices App?
Jan A