[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Network

I use a countdown (via the CountDown app) for that. My gf’s phone sometimes disconnects for random (energy saving?) reasons for a maximum period of 5min. Upon disconnection of her phone using the unify app, i start a countdown of 5 minutes.

When the countdown is done, it sets my gf to away.

When the phone connects, it stops the countdown.


Even with my UDM, the app crashes every 5 minutes.
Network 6.1.70

The same problem with Network 6.1.71

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@ObelixNL did you get the controller access from @Erik_Batenburg ? If not, I can give you access to my controller as well. It seems that a lot of people are waiting for a fix ;-).

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I have taken over the app from someone else. Unfortunately, it uses dependencies that are no longer supported.

The new version of UDM 1.9 uses new headers.

Because I manage this app in addition to my paid work, I don’t have all the time to work on this full-time.

I am in the process of completely rewriting the app with support for UDM 1.9 and Unifi Cloud server on a Windows / Linux server.


@Martijn_Hoogenbosch @Retrospected Thanks for the info, but I wanted to use the Unify app and not Smart Presence. Somehow Smart Presence causes a memory leak in my homey.

So i contacted Ubiquiti support at 5th of march. First they suggested to disable some features, didn’t work, had to disable even more features didn’t help. About a week later (11 march) my ticket got a Tier 2 status. I had no confidence that it would work out, but hé we can always try :grimacing:

After a lot of testing and sending a bunch of logs, last week (3 april) Ubiquiti sent me a beta firmware update for my USW en AC AP Pro v.5.43.34. Sunday I upgraded the everything and since then the presence detection is working fantastic :exploding_head:. Instead of having a delay for 60 seconds, now i can 10 second delay before marking me away. :partying_face:

And further more in my controller before this version I had only disconnect and connect events when a device switches from an AP, since that version I see roaming events :slight_smile: .

If anyone is interested in the firmware link i can send it.


I’m currently running on all my devices (1 x NanoHD, 2x Lite, 1x Mesh and 1x LR). It seems to be further in version number, don’t you think it is included in this? I don’t have really good expierences with running beta firmware’s ;-(

Well yes i think it should be, still strange that the behavior is so different.

So your precious fw was this version then? How did you create your flow?

If connections interrupted then set away? Do you work with devices or names in flow?

@ObelixNL, i have a Cloud Key Plus Gen 2, after i have upgrade the firmware of the Cloudkey to the latest available firmware 2 days ago, the Ubiquiti UniFi Network app on Homey crashed in a couple of minutes.

When i restart the app on Homey a couple of times? the Cloudkey is crashing and mostly the system restart by themself or i must reset the Cloudkey manually to restore normal function of the CK. When i connect Homey (after CK is working normal) Homey connects but after a while the connection drops, when i look in the debug log? Homey is continious have traffic with the CK… with a previous version Homey looks every 1 or 2 minutes for Wi-Fi connected devices.

The UniFi Video app are working normal on Homey, when i restart the UniFi Network app on Homey a couple of times and the CK is frozen? the camera’s are also not working with homey.

I think the new UniFi Network App on Homey doesn’t work correctly with the new firmware of the CK. When i don’t use the UniFi Network App? everything works normal, camera’s etc. but i cannot control the Wi-Fi devices in Homey…

FW CK PLUS: 2.1.7


Same here, after CK fw upgrade app crashes and if i continue to restart it, then homey itself get’s mad. Homey v 6.0.1

I got a UnifiDreamMachine running on version: 1.9.3.
The network runs on 6.1.71.

Every 5 minutes the app crashes, after a restart it goes well again for 5 minutes…
I hope there will be an update for this.

Issue seems only to be related to DreamMachine or CloudKey. I’m using the controller software on a docker and that runs just fine. Just to balance the issues :wink:

That is correct, it’s an UnifiOS thing… because the csrf protection.

Memory leak, crashes and no support for UDM · Issue #16 · steffjenl/com.ubnt.unifi (github.com)


I have created an hot fix: https://homey.app/a/com.ubnt.unifi/test/

Please test this version!


Works, on port 443! Thank you !

Great! It works on port 443.
I do see a lot in the log.

Looks like your user does not have the correct rights, please give the user more rights.

I add some more debug information in this version to check some problems

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uhm, i got a user witch super admin rights. It is al local user, myby is that the problem.

And what are the rights in the Unifi Network app? rights to all the sites?

Yeah, I got one site (Default). I tink the error messages are now disappeared.
Today I did also a controller update to Version 6.2.23
Great work! :slight_smile: