[APP][Pro] Trashcan Reminder 2.0


Since version 3.07 and 3.08 the garage collection for gemeente Hellendoorn does not work anymore. I get unkown address now. The API is not changed or anything, because other systems such as afvalwijzer (HA) are still working.

I also tried the API’s using Postman and its still working fine.

And idea way it is not working anymore?


Did some more friday afternoon code diving…

Problem is, that the Gemeente Hellendoorn afval app uses the url/FQDN: wasteapi.ximmio.com. I checked this with the IOS app and this is the url its using. This url is also working in Postman.

The url/FQDN you are using in your code: https://wasteprod2api.ximmio.com does not work for gemeente Hellendoorn.

Gr. Remco

Is het mogelijk de AVRI kalender (Rivierenland) toe te voegen? Zou super zijn!


I did use the app last year and it just work fine.
No broblems at all.
For now in 2022 I get no reminder. My adress is unknown.
In the debug part are several item that are on the right date.
But by testing the flows I get a red exclamation mark.
Do you know what is wrong?
Restart app and ptp did not work.

Is hier iemand die de afvalwijzer onderhoud. of een afvalverwerker kan toevoegen in de app

Dit is Reinis te Nissewaard

de gegevens dit ik heb kunnen achterhalen is Reinis.ximmio.com en id ‘9dc25c8a-175a-4a41-b7a1-83f237a80b77’

Hi there, is there a problem with the App? I am not able to configure the App.
I don’t get Flowcard as well. My Homey Pro version software is 7.4.0-rc.22.

There is a link to https://robertraaijmakers.github.io/com.trashchecker/
And thank ask it in Github. That worked for me also, no problem.

Qoute "You can add new cities yourself, but requests to add new cities aren’t honoured. If you wish to contribute to the project (for example by adding support for a city). I would advise you to take a look at this explanation: Developers | com.trashchecker

Quote "Je kunt zelf nieuwe steden toevoegen, maar verzoeken om nieuwe steden toe te voegen worden niet gehonoreerd. Als je een bijdrage wilt leveren aan het project (bijvoorbeeld door ondersteuning voor een stad toe te voegen). Ik raad je aan om deze uitleg te bekijken : Developers | com.trashchecker

Yes, the app can crash with that software version
You can help solve it by installing the just updated app:


For me it works, but it can depend on the api. I use the HVC api.

I am (or was?) a happy user of this app, but all of a sudden my address is not supported anymore, while it is still supported by afvalwijzer.nl. Are there any issues?

Did you update the afvalwijzer app? And did you update the firmware from Homey to 7.4.1 or higher?
Updating the Afvalwijzer app to the latest version and Homey firmware with 7.2.0 does not work.
Otherwise go to the appstore and click on the link for Github.

I have the latest versions of the app and Homey. Strange enough my work address postal code does work, only the home address does not work anymore.
Will try the GitHub version tomorrow, thanks

On Github you can ask what is wrong and the developer maybe can fix you’re problem.

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Thanks, I saw someone else stating the exact same issue so I commented on that issue in Github.

More people from Belgium where this app stopped working a few weeks ago? Address isn’t supported somehow, it worked perfectly before…

Have you read this post / Heb je deze post gelezen:

But Roger, Didier isn’t requesting support for a new city imho…
He wrote it suddenly stopped working, while it worked fine before.

I see he also made an issue for it as well.

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Yep, I think the API for http://recycleapp.be is down. Which is strange because I’m the only one “complaining” and I believe I’m not the only one that is using this… :smile:.

That would explain a lot why Afvalwijzer is not working anymore

Hmmm… interesting… 6471CD 57 RD4 works on my old Homey Pro, however when I use the same settings on HP23 then it fails with message: This address is not supported?!?
Any clues?