Are commands still counted in the app even if they no longer arrive?
Yes, the app still counts before sending the request.
This way you have an overview about your API usage (flow actions) independent of rate limits (which can be chaged at any time).
New test version 1.9.0:
Added flow trigger for charging history entry.
You can already use the “charging stopped” trigger (charging state) to get an information about the charged energy, but using the history entry you get some information in addition as a trigger.
Added trip history to location device. Check your trips in repair view.
A trip starts on recognized shift state D or R and ends on shift state P.
Added flow trigger for trip history entry.
You can use these trigger to export the history entries to an external log, e.g. using the MySQL app.
If needed, you can clear the histories in repair view.
Hi All, the Tesla App seems to be working just fine for me. I’m not having any API issues (I think).
However, I do have an issue in one flow.
My flow should trigger when the charging plug is plugged in. However, this doesn’t seems to be registered. There is a LOT of time between the event, and the time Homey is notified. I think this doesn’t happen at all on its own, but then is updated by some other event. I have been monitoring for hours, and Homey still says “unplugged” in the Tesla App.
Any idea what this could be causing?
instead of “charging cable changed” you can also use “charging state changed” trigger and then check for your state “Connected”.
Please check the online interval. If it’s too long (>5 or 10min) it can happen that the car is asleep too fast and Homey doesn’t get a data update. This can happen if the cable is onyl plugged in without charging. When charging, the car keeps awake, if its not charging, it can go to sleep after some minutes if it’s not cooling down battery or dringend climate.
Are you using the test version?
I got some crash reports for an issue that could cause the devices not updating correctly if there is no location device added.
This should be fixed with test version 1.9.2.
The trip history entry in app version 1.9.3 does not work. It is not recorded.
My Trips yesterday and today are logged. Does your car provide the shift state?
I get notified when I arrive at work or home and the kilometers have been counted and now it’s in park.
An example of how you can set the query interval flexibly until the reset. It is recalculated every 15 minutes.
Hi all,
Is there a way to detect if Sentry has made a recording, and when that recording starts push a message to my phone?
No, there is no information about this in API response.
I experienced a number of times that the offline polling interval was used instead of the online polling interval, while the car was online. After re-starting the app, the online interval was then used. I cannot re-produce this, but I have the impression that this happens sometimes (but not always - hence difficult to reproduce) during charging.
During the timeline screenshot below, the car was charging and online, but seems to use the offline interval of 2 minutes, and not the online interval of 10 minutes (I store the setting of the online interval in a logic variable). When restarting the app around 10:47, the app switched to the correct online interval of 10 minutes.
Ronny do you know what can cause this? The online interval is set via advanced workflows, and works in 99% of the cases, but as said, sometimes it seems that the offline interval is used for polling whilst being online

If the car is reported as online from Tesla Server, but sending a request to the car resulting in a http-408 error, the car is offline in that moment. Then the state is set to offline and the offline interval is activated.
To check this, you can use the ‘state changed’ trigger and write the state to the timeline (or send you a push message). I think this stated changes caused by a not so good Wifi/LTE connection.
Hi @RonnyW
Since i have an older Model S (2018) i understand i need to switch to the REST API
Apologies if this is a noob question, but i don’t have the option “Advanced Settings”
Am i missing something? Thanks for your reply!
Hi, that’s a device setting for the car device, not for the app itself.
Hi @copiis and @RonnyW
Appreciatie the response!
While i couldn’t get to get my Tesla added via the android Homey app, it did work trough the Homey Web app. Changed to REST API and it’s working like a charm, thx!
Is it possible that the Flowcard for locking the doors is incorrect? It seems to be working in reverse.
It is not clear to me exactly how it works. When I lock or unlock the car via the Tesla App, it does not match with the flowcard.
The flow card is “closed/locked”, right?
They are not locked in your case and the active Button means “unlocked” - like the buttons for frunk/trunk are active when they are open.
All buttons off = All closed, everything ok
PS: it was different in the past, but I changed the button to fit to the others.