[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

If it’s an online service, they will have added the Tesla telemetry service. It needs an own telemetry server that’s collectiong the realtime data from the cars.
But that also only allows some field (1 field every 10sec, 2 fields every 20sec…).

I assume this telemtry data is not affected. All other data still must be read using the FleetAPI including rate limits.

No issue for me.

The app uses the units provided by the car/API to convert the values betwenn different units (for distance, pressure, speed…).
Do you have different profiles active in your car and one profile has set PSI as unit?

New test version 1.7.0:

  • Added several changes to optimize API usage.

In addition to the rate limit, Tesla changed the reported car state. Instead of asleep/offline/online state, only offline/online is reported now. As result, the app requestes car data also for offline state (which was useful before because offline state was only used for missing LTE reception).
Now, the app does not request car data during offline state. This prevents a lot of API requests. Based on the daily car usage, you can lower the online interval. Perhaps it will work with 1min interval because you won’t use the car for 1/5 of the day.

The car device is showing “rate limit” as state in case the car is online but Tesla is blocking car access.
The car settings page is showing some details like time until rate limit is reset.
In addition you can check insights for API usage counter.

More details you can find at:


Different profiles in the car might indeed be the cause. I’ll need to check the settings of my wife’s profile, probably at psi :slight_smile:

I use this app also on my Home Assistant.

Does it count up? Ore is the polling sepperated and doesnt it matter?

No one knows :man_shrugging:

It can be based on the VIN/car.
Or it can be baded on VIN & app client ID.
You can only try.

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It‘s because of the different profiles, same by me, my wife has psi💁🏻‍♂️

I think it counts up:

Going to disable HA plugin let you know:

http-500 is something different. I think LTE is offline while trying to send commands. That’s not related to rate limit error.

Hmm, the vehicle is in front of my door. So it has WiFi and LTE (no subscription). In the morning it works well, but at some point it stops working. Without changing anything, it works again the next day.

Additionally, I can see all the data (live) in the Tesla app.

Would you like me to send you a log file or something?

If it happens again, you can send a diagnostics report. But I think I won’t see more than the http error.
Did it happen for a data request or a command?

A command, got it a few days earlier also… I think it is a returning error (for me)


Hi, as already written via Mail (but also as information for others), I think it’s caused by car device settings.

  • change command API from REST to CommandProxy.

The car only supports signed commands in this case.

Ass you can see on a other post it is on the commandproxy

I had overlooked that.
Is only “HonkHorn” affected or also others? In this case, it seems to be an issue in command Proxy (Tesla code). But I can’t test this today at sunday :sweat_smile:

Hello everyone,
I have changed Online polling interval to 5min. Since that, I can notice that I don’t have warning symbol and API Rate limit error message is not showing anymore.
However, on my flows, reading tesla cards are going well but commands cards like “set current charge to” or “start charging” “stop charging” have an error message. If I try several minutes later it works again… (my flow is starting each 5minutes)
Capture d’écran 2024-06-23 à 10.16.24

Do you have any idea ?
Thank you

Hi, if you try to stop charging, but the car is not charging at this moment, the API returns an error.
The app has a whitelist of such errors to irgnore them. I will check if this one is missing.

Edit: “not_charging” is already set in the whitelist. Which app version are you using?

You are right, I tried to execute stop charging card while car was not charging. Mistake from my side sorry for that.
I gave the wrong example. Sometime I get an error on this command card “start charging”, while this card is started only if car is not charging (see previous card).

But currently I don’t succeed to reproduce the error again… strange.
Is there any API limit difference between reading cards and commands cards ?

In any case, this is the app version I am using: Tesla V.1.6.1 (auto update selected)

Finally, thank you very much for all amazing job done!

The start charging card also gets an error from Tesla API if the car is already charging. But this is also catched by the error white litst.
Which command API are you using? REST oder Command proxy? Perhaps the API returns a different error dependent on the used API.

The app has an internat rate limit for commands. It alloes 60 commands in a 10min time window (every 10sec average). But woul would get a special error message if you hit it. I think onyl users with Solar/PV dependent flows will hit the limit.
You can see this limit in car device settings or insights.

I am using Command proxy.

Yes, I have solar panels and I use this flow to charge the tesla with the charging current I have left between my production and my domestic consumption. In the past, my flow was running every 2 minutes and I never got any problems.

Now my flow is running each 5 minutes and in the flow I have max 2 command cards running (so I never reach the 60 commands in a 10min time window limit). Let’s see if I have the error again I’ll let you know.

Thank you again!

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