[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

Another rate limited datapoint here. Have 2 Tesla’s connected via the Homey Tesla App. One using the Tesla Vehicle Command proxy and one using the REST-API. Both vehicles experience a rate limit. Online polling was set to 1 minute, but I changed that to 5 minutes for now based on the previous experiences in this thread. I don’t use polling in my flows; all my (car) flows are event driven.

I’m also using TeslaFi on one of these cars (using Tesla’s Fleet API), and that one is still succesfully connected.

Also noticed ‘rate limited’ this morning. Checked ‘API rate limit’ and is 0.65% maximum in June. Car is not used for a week. Besides Homey and Tesla app nothing else is connected.

What can cause this and how to solve?

(I switched polling off now to see what happens)

The. app internal counter is only counting commands.
The rate limit issue is caused by Tesla FleetAPI.
You can try 5min online interval to stay below the limit.


Downloaded this app 2 days ago and everything seemed ok until last night. Have uninstalled and reinstalled, but cannot connect to the car. What is wrong?

Please read back some posts…
Good start would be this one

Setting Online polling to 5 minutes fixed the issue for me, although it took 24 hours before the error was reset.

Intresting note: the rate-limit did not effect the commands, only all data aquired using polling the data.


Facing the same issue here in NL. Will try and see tomorrow morning.

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New test version 1.6.1:

  • Fixed location flow condition ‘Is on the way’.

I tried it with 5 and 4 minutes.
With 5 minutes you can manage the 24 hours, with 4 minutes the “rate limit” comes at 9:50 p.m.

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I think the suspicion is confirmed :smile:
It seems the rate limit is 300 requests and the reset is at 0:00 UTC.
19h and 50min are about 300 calls at 4min.
Reset at 0:00 UTC, 2:00 am for you.


When I’m using the when card “set charge amps to” I now receive error “Command API is only for test purposes”. Any idea how to solve this?

Please use command proxy instead. The other one is currently for development onl, and not useable for users.

How does the triggers actually work when there’s a polling api? If Tesla had a streaming API it would make sense to have triggers like “location changed” and “gear state changed” but when polling e.g every five minutes, will the Homey then receive all events emitted from the car?

No, all is polling based.
Gear, power etc. is only for the current moment.
Locaction leaved/reached is calculated based on old/current coordinates (crossing the geofence). This means, you get a flow trigger after a request if the geofence is crossed since the last request.

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Thanks! Had a perfect flow where the garage would open when the car arrived and close when it left, but with polling only every 4-5min it’s easier to just push the opener than wait for the next call🤓 Hope Tesla changes this -
In the meantime, I’ll try to make it work with user presence…

I don’t think so. Bu I’m already adding some changes to optimize the API usage.


How does this work in combination with TeslaMate regarding the API limits?
For TeslaMate I’m using the MyTeslaMate Tesla Fleet Telemetry API.

Anyone else experiencing this odd behaviour with tyre pressure data? My car is set at using pressure in “bar”, but sometimes it seems psi data is received, and then back to bar