[APP][Pro] Telegram

Aaaah yes! I noticed it by myself yesterday and replaced it with your app’s ‘send a message card’ already :crazy_face: While I was wondering why the acknowledgement by the flow was not appearing below the answered question. And I didn’t use my earlier example flow as template here hehe. I completely forgot.

And, it’s just a habit I use the CallMeBot Signal and Telegram cards quite often, your app is only running when needed (I have only 1GB of RAM… and too many nice apps out there!)

— Homey 2019 v8.1.6
— app v2.10.0 test

  1. OK good news: The question with pre-defined answers works fine, when one answers it by picking a pre-defined answer
    • But, when I enter an answer myself to the question with pre-defined answers, nothing happens.
      Should it work? I just assumed that’s just not possible with the app
  1. I added a second question, one without pre-defined answers.
    It did work before yesterday, but yesterday I could not get it to work anymore. It seems to not trigger the When a question was answered card.
    → I created new Then and When cards, picked the right question again, but of no avail.
    Now, while test running the flow, this error popped up:
    Screenshot from 2023-10-31 16-02-26
    So, after a while I found out the script which sends the acknowledgement, had a sentence with ( ) signs in it. Yesterday I enabled MarkdownV2 so that was the cause. So I just disabled it again.
    In hindsight this error was also in the logs, but I couldn’t imagine what caused it, and what sent the error message.
    I also enabled BLL Support yesterday, and disabled it again just now.
    But, unfortunately it still doesn’t trigger the “a question has been answered” card.
    An app restart, and installing the stable version v2.10.0, did not make a difference:

    As you can see at the Telegram screen below, only the " A message is received card" triggered, but that’s not a usable triggercard in this flow:
    Screenshot from 2023-10-31 16-13-55
  • I created a new free to answer question, but it also does not trigger the “The question … has been answered” card

Still there? :blush:

Is it possible to disable the copy-button at the <pre></pre>-tag?
When the text in the tag is longer a button appears, don’t need that button :blush: I like the collored block, makes my messages beter to read / screen for important parts, but the button not needed.

Hi, can you show how you did this?
thanks (dankjewel…)

You can use the question system. You can setup questions in the settings menu under “Questions” and send them via THEN Flow cards and react to them using WHEN Flow cards

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Sorry, I posted in the wrong forum, after the old “Telegram Bot” app has stopped working (permanently. I think). I set up a new bot using this app instead, but am having some startup issues. Username comes in as “undefined” after registering and starting a new bot and a message is received, but I seem to be able to use “First Name” instead.

It’s not mandatory to have a username, so there are users with no username.


Since I got over the last couple of days the same questions over and over again. I created an FAQ!

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@spkesDE after the update looks like image sending will not work anymore

Didn’t change anything on image handling.

Could you send a diagnostic report.
Looks like the response from athom/homey is invalid

I tried a reboot what fix my problem for now

Another question

When I send an image without message I can see a preview image on my iPhone when I send an image with text and image I can’t see the preview ?

@spkesDE see screenshot
Forst one is without image and second one woth

I can’t tell you why this is. Its something you would have to ask telegram

But it’s weird right

Also see a lot of errors

Here is diagnostics rapport 5e106e33-6607-4a74-9972-4cd9254e4cdb

Thats kind of normal; you tried to send an image that doesnt exist yet.

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Now I’ve got this message

How can I fix it

Re-Add the group using /start

Version 2.11.0 is now live!

Changelog :tada:

  • Updated dependencies
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my telegram isnt working anymore. Everything else in Homey works fine.
I got this errorcode:

HttpError: Network request for ‘sendMessage’ failed!\n at /app/node_modules/grammy/out/core/error.js:74:15\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async ApiClient.call (/app/node_modules/grammy/out/core/client.js:54:29)

some enetunereach fail…
Im lost here…!

Can anybody help me? I´d be happy to pay for a solution

It just still works fine - are you sure you are using version from spkesDE, right ?

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As a more advanced troubleshooting step, you can consider trying an SSH experiment or jailbreaking to get SSH access to Homey. With SSH access, you can try to ping api.telegram.org to check if there’s a connectivity issue between Homey and the Telegram API.

As we discussed in the group, it’s most likely a problem on your side since you’re the only user who reported this issue, and it started after changing stuff on your local network. Maybe @robertklep has an idea why this happens to you.

2023-12-13T13:08:01.825Z [err] HttpError: Network request for 'sendMessage' failed!
    at /app/node_modules/grammy/out/core/error.js:74:15
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async ApiClient.call (/app/node_modules/grammy/out/core/client.js:54:29) {
  error: FetchError: request to https://api.telegram.org/***/sendMessage failed, reason: connect ENETUNREACH 2001:67c:4e8:f004::9:443
      at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/grammy/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1501:11)
      at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:517:28)
      at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:501:9)
      at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:517:28)
      at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:151:8)
      at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:116:3)
      at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
    type: 'system',
    errno: 'ENETUNREACH',
    code: 'ENETUNREACH'

(2001:67c:4e8:f004::9:443 is the IPv6 of api.telegram.org)