[APP][Pro] Tank Level Meter TF-FT002

Aha, now I understand ! :slight_smile:

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So I changed mine and seems we are back in operations. I kept all original pieces in place, including “white textil/paper grid” ? at the bottom of the sensor. It’s important to keep the right polarity, from the forum @Friedhofsblond shared, it’s mentioned.
I have ordered from Poland, cheaper then Aliexpress…

That trick worked for me - thank you :+1:, I was first getting the one from neighbor, later mine, so I just enabled back Not to ignore the ID. Just a pity logs do not help much when trying to catch the right one or even interpret/check the data being recorded, eg. out of range etc. Would be nice to see also measured data… maybe instead of “shifting payload”, it could be showing recorded data - just an idea.


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The ultrasonic sensors should be cleaned once a year.
You have to do that with the Oilfox too.

New version 1.4.0 ready for testing: https://homey.app/a/com.gruijter.wtlm/test/

  • Repairing of device added.

This is especially for you @Sharkys ! After replacing batteries, you can now easily repair the device to match Homey with the new ID of the WTLM sensor. This is only needed if the ‘ignore sensor ID’ was switched off in settings, and you have multiple WTLM devices in range of Homey.

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Thank you @Gruijter , will be testing during next battery replacement :ok_hand::+1:

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I’m looking for a solution for meassuring the snow depth on my caravan roof during winter. I’m about 2 hours drive from my caravan and would like to be able to monitor the depth in case I have to drive down and remove snow from the roof. Can the TS-FT002 be used for that purpose?

Maybe. Just buy one and try. But you need a powered Homey with internet connection in/near your caravan…

Yeah, I have a HP23 at my caravan connected through starlink.

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Purchased and mounting printed, it’s now in its place on top of The caravan waiting for winter and snow. Excited to see if it works :+1:t2:

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Nice! Let it snow :thought_balloon:

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Have you done the coating ? Check this thread…

Yeah, I did spray the circut boards with PRF 202

New version 1.4.1 is ready for testing: https://homey.app/a/com.gruijter.wtlm/test/

  • Capability flows compatibility >=fw12.2.0.
  • Code cleanup.
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Hello, it often happens now that the Tank Level meter reports Device unavailable. But the meter itself works normally and displays the current filling and temperature values. Do you know what the problem could be?

Have a look on the logs in the app, for me since improvements done by Gruijter, it’s extremely reliable device.

That means Homey is not in good range of the meter. The display has better 433 reception then Homey, and can therefore show the values better on poor reception.

Move your homey closer to the meter.

Homey is about 4m from the sensor, right behind the window. So is the display. That’s weird.

---------- PĹŻvodnĂ­ e-mail ----------
Od: Robin Gruijter via Homey Community Forum notifications@athom.discoursemail.com
Komu: zdenda.skal@seznam.cz
Předmět: [Homey Community Forum] [Apps] [APP][Pro] Tank Level Meter TF-FT002

What does the log say ?


---------- PĹŻvodnĂ­ e-mail ----------
Od: Sharkys via Homey Community Forum notifications@athom.discoursemail.com
Komu: zdenda.skal@seznam.cz
Předmět: [Homey Community Forum] [Apps] [APP][Pro] Tank Level Meter TF-FT002

The log confirms bad reception by Homey. Move your Homey, and/or the meter, and/or replace the batteries.