[APP][Pro] Roborock Vacuum Cleaners

I so much wish I had the skills to take the local integration from Homekit and make it into a Homey App, but that is way over my script-kiddy coding level.

Maybe the community could gather some money and pay a Roborock to somehow who has the skills but not the cash for a vacuum? At least I would be willing to pay, help and test.

I have two main reason for not using the Xiaomi App solution:

  • The Xiaomi App can not send Wifi credentials with special symbols in it successfully, so getting my Roborock connected to Xiaomi with my Wifi at Home is not an option. And no, I will not change my Wifi for that.
  • The already mentioned camera feature. I have no other cameras in my home, so having that mobile camera when traveling to check on alerts is nice to have.

My temporary solution:

  • I mainly want to stop the vacuum from starting based on shedules when I am Home, this is not possible with the built in shedules.
  • I have added flows which do the scheduling and they control a virtual button, it gets turned on when the Roborock is supposed to start.
  • In Google Home I have added my Roborock directly, then I created automations in Google Home which start it based on the virtual switch turning on. Works almost reliably.