[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

No. There is however an option to add a summarizer that adds the energy of ALL homey devices that are shown in the Homey Energy tab (mobile app). This includes estimated and constant energy of devices such as lights.

I can’t find what the issue is so I hope someone can help me with the following issue.

I noticed that the gas price is reset at 06:00 instead of 00:00. Can this be changed? Or what is the reason?

Because the gas price are actual form 06:00 to 06:00. :wink:

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Ow really. I didn’t know that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Thank you.

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The other issue I is that the usage and price this day are going to 0.
See the screenshots.
They will mostly show a short time after gas usage, and after e certain time it’s 0.
How can I solve this?

Has anyone else noticed that some of the WHEN cards are triggering too late? For example I have a flow which starts the water heating when the price is the lowest in the morning or the afternoon and I also add a timeline entry.

But for a few days now from the timeline entries it seems that the flows run with a pretty huge delay. It was for a few days 28 minutes, now it’s up to 39 minutes.

Also the insights are delayed by the same amount

I have tried to restart the app, which helps for a some time but then the delay starts adding up again.

After looking at the code setInterval is known for having the tendency to drift because of the event driven nature of JS. The time you specify is just the minimum time it will wait between runs. But usually it should only drift by maybe 10-20ms which will add up to a few seconds or maybe 1-2 minutes for very long running apps (which homey apps could be considered as).

My best guess why it’s so bad for me is that maybe because I have been using Homey for development last week that every app run interrupted the timers of other apps by a few seconds and worsened the drift.

I would maybe still suggest to change the setInterval to setTimeout and adjust the time after every run (kind of like you do for the first calculation).

Hi all.

I have looked for similar issues but can’t seem to find them. Yes early with “old” version of the app.

My issue with this app is the following.
Every beginning of a new month the reset does not work.
So I loose the last day in usage and the first day of the new month has a high usage.
I checked my settings and it is enabled.
Any suggestions what else I can check?
Thank you all! :+1:t2:

See here a screenshot for last day.

In my understanding energy markets and electricity dynamic pricing are going to change in 2025. Prices are going to update in every 15 minutes. I am not sure when this will be reality for home owners / consumers.

Is Power by the Hour app going to be updated for this change?

That is news to me. Do you have a link to the source of this?

What date was this taken? And did you check the settings for start of new year? It should be set to 01xx if you want the reset every 1st of the month. (0101 to start at January 1st)

You mean an old PBTH version? If so, first thing is to update to the latest versionđŸ«Ł

Here is one link to Finnish site; this is the company (Fingrid) that manages electricity system in Finland.

The change is Europe wide, but it is not clear when it is going to implemented in consumer contracts.

This is about the imbalance market, not the day-ahead market as far as I understand.

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The imbalance market is something different than the Day Ahead market used for dynamic contracts.

Each country needs to try to have a continuous balance and part of it is adjusted by the national TSO’s within 15 minute blocks or even sooner.

Fe some energy companies try to buy and sel energy to help balancing the energy market but these auctions have much higer fluctuations and need almost immediate reactions.

If you want to participate with that you give the steering of your battery out to a Balancing partner that is operating on behalf of the national Grid operator.

before the end of the corresponding imbalance settlement period (ISP). This period, lasting 15 minutes, is when imbalances are calculated and settled

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The article wasn’t too good, but only one I could find in English language. This has been in the news a few times this year, and there is a change coming throughout the Europe. Only thing not certain is when the change is going to be on consumer level.

Here is one article in finnish; PörssisÀhkön hinnoitteluun tulossa jÀttimÀinen muutos

I did find something here about EPEX day-ahead changes: Important change EPEX-SPOT markets in 2025 - COMCAM Energy

I see a recent article

(Montel) Power market and grid operators have suggested 18 March 2025 for a 15-minute market time unit (MTU) product to be available on all borders in Europe’s single day-ahead market coupling (SDAC), they said on Thursday

Nearly all the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (Nemos) who run the SDAC with grid operators would still offer an hourly trading product after that, and some, including Epex Spot and Nord Pool, would also offer a 30-minute trading product, according to their presentation during a market coupling webinar

Afaik this is hitting the TSO’s and Balancing partners but that doesn’t mean the consumer markets will change to 15 minutes.
These are using the day ahead info and not directly the intraday that is needed for balancing the net.
Intraday is also used cross border and afaik that is where the change happens by the ENTSO-e .

My feelings are most of the consumers market in this regio will stay a couple of years on the 1 Hour day ahead.

Hi. This was taken this morning.
Setting are like you mentioned and the version is the latest one. I am up to date :grin: (version 6.5.3)

It just won’t reset when changing to new month. It is the only time the measurement is not right.
It is the sum then of last day and first day.
And the last day of the month has then 0 kWh usage and the first day tool much usage.

Let’s hope so, since automation changes every 15 minutes for example in heat-pump systems is of not practical.

If the change comes to consumer level, I hope Power by the Hour will accommodate this, since your app manages the most important system in my house with Homey.

I intend to. But thinking about it a bit more, I see it would require major rethinking of the concepts I implemented, and therefore major rewrites and probable breaking changes :grimacing: