[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Not retroactively. But it does gather summarized info if you keep running it. This is the summary of last year for part of my panels.

Thanks for your reaction.

It will cost a year waiting for a nice graph in my external software. How to access this in Homey available year data via an api?
Could you technically access this historical data in your Power by the hour app? Exporting to csv is just 30kB, so it’s not too large for an api. What would you suggest? The data is already available on the Homey, but I want to unlock it.

There are several apps that can export data in real time to an external database. You can use my Archive Insights app to automatically export data to csv and/or JSON. [APP][Pro] Archive Insights - export all your Insights data to a NAS, FTP or web folder

With PBTH you will get the summarised data and Insights per hour/day/month in Homey. You can automatically (e.g. daily) export these Insights with above tool.
Without PBTH you will only have the compressed (!) actual power or actual cumulative energy in Homey Insights available for export. I say compressed, because the older the data is, the less granular it gets.

This is getting off topic though, so please keep this thread about PBTH.

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I have a problem. I want to show my gasprices in a graph and want to add the tax and the fixed fee per m3.

I have set up the power gas app and am receiving data

But the device to show the graph stays zero

And if i want to add the vat and the fixed uplift. I get an error device not ready

Deleted the devices for gas and re installed but still the same. What am i doing wrong?


@KentSoderlund Many thx for your kind donation. Much appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

I cannot reproduce your issue. Is it still not working?

Awesome app. I was in thinking to leave Homey for HASS before I found it. Now I will continue with Homey :joy:

2 questions: I have electricity from Tibber and that works perfect and updates hourly, but could I add a fixed transfer cost per kWh to the energy price?

And 2 - is it a way to export data from the app to for example .csv?



In Homey Insights (web version) you can export any insights to .csv. If you want to automate that export, you can use another app I made: [APP][Pro] Archive Insights - export all your Insights data to a NAS, FTP or web folder

In the DAP device settings you can add any fixed costs per kWh. But if the transfer cost is not per kWh, but e.g. per day, you can only add it as fixef cost in the summarizet device.

Hi Robin. No it is not. I deleted all devices and did it again. No luck. It just keeps saying device not ready when i want to save anything

Can you send me an app diagnostics report?

Sorry, bad explanation
I have hourly energy price from Tibber, and that runs and updates as it should.
But the I have transfer fee from the company who owns the wires, and that is a fixed price per kWh
So I need to add the transfer fee to the hourly energy price.
Is that possible in some way?

Do you mean you are getting the hourly prices from the Tibber app itself, and not from a DAP device in PBTH? Because in PBTH DAP you can set any fixed cost per KwH in advanced settings.


I created a report.


Thanks for your help

Try a different gas market as source: TTF EOD . I believe that is what ANWB is using.

Strange. I don’t have that under advanced settings?

As @Gruijter already mentioned, it’s possible to add fixed costs per kWh in the DAP (Day-Ahead) device. Your screenshot shows the Power Summarizer device.

Detailed information about the two different devices can be found in the 1st post of this topic.

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Thinks. Didn’t understand that

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If you want to keep using the prices from your Tibber app, you could add extra costs in a flow before sending it to the PBTH summarizer.

But using the PBTH prices gives you many extra features you will miss when using the prices from the Tibber app.

Hi Robin,

That works

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Hello, I don’t know if I’ve read somewhere or not found such an option, but I have a question. Can your app also take into account lighting? or a socket without energy measurement to which a device with constant consumption is connected? For example, a socket with a Sonos speaker?