[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

For the “power by the Hour” app I think its good to have some specific solutions for specific cases. Here I’m looking to enable it on the cheapest hours.

One of the cases is:

  • Enable washing machine

I think this should be possible to do so, but I’m looking for some suggestions

The following issues are there:

  • Here (NL) the price is known around 13:00.
  • In the morning, the price is dropping, but its unknown if the next hour price is much higher or lower
  • Lets say that its 15:00 and the notification is already given. Then at 16:00 its given again, because it doesn’t look at the previous hours. Then every hour this notification is given again

Currently I tried to use the item below for the washing machine. There I’m looking for the cheapest option to enable the washing machine.

The solution above ^ is not correct.

After all the questions yesterday over JSON and other values to fill-in is it very clear that PBTH a first class app is.

By only giving the values of your electricity-provider get every one the right graphic.

Frank Energie today.


I think it would be a good idea to have a overview of the correct settings for the different energy providers

That will help a lot of people :wink:

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Those for Frank Energie I have NOT found on there sited but here:

This is for the Dutch energy providers a start.

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I think you just need to play around with some of the other WHEN cards, for example this would run for the cheapest price between 13:00-24:00

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When you se all those prices here on the graphic you starting to look if you can cheaper.

“Zonneplan” was the first because of the values of the “EerlijkVerbruik” side. € 0,15165 / kWh
When I checked the Zonneplan side then I saw higher prices.

For here in the app I have put €0,15705 by “Vaste opslag” for Frank Energie.
Zonneplan gives “Kortom: (0,05+0,1088+0,01653) x 1,21 = €0,21 per kWh” → €0,2121493 in app.

So I have look further then.

new version 6.5.1 is ready for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • homey-api@3.5.0

FWIW These are real ZP customer tariffs, Theo:
I have €0,15165 fixed markup, wich is lower than FE.

They also show the same, albeit rounded, tariffs online:

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The ZP site is drastic changed.
The formula the I put here came form the “old” site but that is gone.

Finding the exact number for the “Fixed markup per kWh” price is now even so bad as for FE.
For ZP you have now also to go to the “EerlijkVerbruik” site.

On one place I found now this.
“Op elektriciteit zit een handling fee van €0,01653 per kWh.”

Also notice that the kWh price game down for €0,05 to €0,02.

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@johan_W many thx for your kind donation! Much appreciated :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::beers:

These values work perfect for me for Frank Energie!
(although I needed to adjust the fixed value to the current “inkoopvergoeding” + “energiebelasting” = 0,1498 (purchasing fee + energy tax)

The “í” explains quite well what to enter :wink:

Todays and tomorrows hourly rates of Frank Energie are shown on this page (scroll down a bit): https://www.frankenergie.nl/nl/slimme-energie

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In case you didn’t know already, maybe interesting:
Enever.nl shows hourly prices of a bunch (or all) Dutch dynamic energy providers at once:

This is also available as daily feed, and it returns all 24 hourly prices:
A personal token can be obtained at enever.nl/prijzenfeeds/

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Today the prices are negative for a few hours. Now I want to start my washing machine at the moment the price is negative for the first time. Perhaps I don’t look good but which card do I use? Can someone give an example flow?

Thanks for your link to enever.nl.

On that moment I was juist trying to get the right “Fixed markup per kWh” price for FE.
To get the PBTH graphic in line with the FE graphic.

But then this morning I was looking to the enever value and was shocked.

08:00 FE €0,190 - enever €0,196811
09:00 FE €0,177 - enever €0,183948
10:00 FE €0,138 - enever €0,144950

With an Fixed markup per kWh of 0,157 I am now with the enever price.

Either “The price becomes one of <1> lowest of today” or “Price now becomes less than <0> c/kWh”


@Gerben_Plantinga many thx for your kind donation! :heart_eyes:

Finally an answer from FE on my question yesterday.

Then the Enever site game on.
They said not to do business with them, so the prices there can also be wrong.
Where the information was to find on there side I get a very long link on my mobile.
What I on the eerlijkverbruik site found on them is correct.

Variabel stroom (opslag) 	€ 0,02540 / kWh
Stroom belasting 	        € 0.13165 / kWh
Tarief € / kWh 	            € 0,15705 / kWh 

That is what I heave found myself. Strange.

For now I am fine.
Learning again more, all is it by small step now.


This flow worked yesterday:

Only 0 did not work :fearful:

Mmh. Maybe SolarEdge doesnt take 0.

Maybe because the price was exactly 0? You could try changing the equation to “less than or equal to” 0