[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Thanks, but that does not explain the differences. It seems as if ENTSOE uses EXAA prices, which are the same until a decoupling event occurs. So it seems as if the cause for the turbulence is still under investigation, but in general ENTSOE sources seem to be based on wrong assumptions, which only lead to significant differences in certain events.
For me it is OK, I do not base my summer charging on the source as I use mostly my own photovoltaic energy. In winter when I try to charge at the cheapest price, it could have caused some turbulence. :unamused:

The price could now easily less then €0.00. (now €0.046. NL Frank Energie app)
Then you could heating up a boiler or charge your car with money back.

So every time of year we have to get the right prices.

Sure. But isn’t it amazing you are getting enterpise grade reliability on the data that PBTH provides, for the price of (literally) nothing? Companies pay thousands of euro per year to get the same data quality and reliability…


Exactly. :+1:

Just because of getting the data this way you can make some profit out of it.
That is very nice.

But if the source is wrong then we have to wait.

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If you are a Tibber client, can use the Tibber App. It is less comfortable and you can only get today’s prices. But prices should be as reliable as possible.
My major issue was that I lost the connection the Tibber several times. Reconnection means that you get a new device. You have to adjust all flows etc. or the incidents will not fire.
In any case you have to check by hand or by flows in order to avoid surprises.
So it is still a far way to get a fully automated home without bothering the owner. :woozy_face: :wink:

If you read back the you see that I use the Frank Energie app.
That’s why I noticed the problems.

Between 13 and 15 €0.046 and not around €0.25.

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I see that the price is not correct when the price is below 0.

The price is now -0.12 euro. I increse it with 21% and 0.18 euro extra cost. Then it has to be around 5 cent’s. PBTH syas the price is 27 cents at this moment.


Tomorrow the price is 0 and then the price in PBTH is correct. Sow it looks that PBTH icnore the minus price

No negative price today here in the app of Frank Energie.
Between 13:00 and 15:00 €0.046 all in.
By 21% and €0.15705 costs.

Edit 1
No €0.00 here in the app of Frank Energie for tomorrow.
Lowest: 13:00 - 16:00 €0.157 all in.

Edit 2
From PBTH JSON file tomorrow “13”:0.1571,“14”:0.157,“15”:0.1571, :+1:

I use “mijndomein” (now hegg energy)

The netto price is now -11 cents. When i increase that with 21% btw and 0.18 euro extra costs the price whil be around 8 cents all in

EDIT, at Tibber the all in price is now less then 5 cents and not 27 cent’s so something is incorrect i think

I can’t find the exact calculation in PBTH anywhere. How is the formula in PBTH to calculate the final price from the base price, Variable%, Variable% @abs.price, Fixed addition, Extra TOD addition and Extra Weekend addition. I seem to see many different interpretations in this forum…

For Frank Energie I have this.

  1. BTW / VAT
  2. 0
  3. fixed costs

It’s not clear to me what is the basis for the BTW or the ‘Variablele opslag(%)’. Is the 0.15705 including or excluding BTW? Or is it now calculated double?

And what was te lowest price today in PBTH for you?

Zie post 2347.


When i look here Profiteer van onze inkoopprijzen | Mijndomein Energie i see that the raw price today was below 0 from 10:00 till 16:00.

whit a fixed price of 0.18 and 21% btw is it impssible to heave an all in price of 27 cent’s.

Is the price in the json all in or just the raw price?

To find things out my self it was also try and error.

So is changing of the values in the virtual device, changing the values of the graphic.

Finely I put 21 in the BTW field en the cost what Frank Energie gives on that 3rd field.

That’s all folks.

Giving more info of yourself maybe user with te same company can help you out.

I have the same problem.

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I guess after reading all info on several forums the zonneplan price was correct after all… :wink:


I’ve had a PBTH device for a while for the purpose of showing the total energy transferred to my hot water storage via a myEnergie Eddi, it has worked great until beginning of June when it started showing 3.61Kwh every day, this doesn’t match what myenergi shows. The weird data seems to coincide with a PBTH update. I created a diagnostics report if you could have a look and help point me towards what I need to do that would be appreciated

And today it is correct again. I did not changed anything