[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Zonneplan app:

Quite a difference, which one is correct?

PBTH is :wink:. Are you checking the same day? And including all taxes and costs?

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Yes, prices for tomorrow in same chart as prices for today (which are correct). I checked other sources and PBTH looks right (sorry I doubted about that :grimacing:).
I asked the zonneplan support (ai chatbot) and Kiki said if it’s not right they will correct it very soon……:thinking:

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hourly prices for Belgium are also incorrect, I think Nordpool is wrong.

Hi @Gruijter

Any idea why this isn’t visible in the data for today: Huge price variations

Prices for today (including taxes and fees):

Price chart from AWATTar (excluding taxes and fees):

@Gruijter Is there a way to trigger an update of the prices? It seems like as if the exchange now delivers the correct prices, but PbtH still shows the old, incorrect prices. I tried restarting the app, but that didn’t help.

Prices should look like this (this iOS app updates whenever it is opened; it showed the same incorrect prices like PbtH until about an hour ago)

The electricity pricing information is fetched from ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity: Data view

PBTH fetches it every hour and on app restart, with a delay of a few minutes.

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So the prices from PbtH can’t really be used for AWATTar or Tibber? Hmmm, up to today it worked perfectly, but it seems that such edge cases as today aren’t covered. :disappointed:

How did you come to that conclusion? Ive used it for Tibber myself.

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As I wrote - this are the actual prices for AWATTar for today (excluding taxes and fees):

And this shows PtbH (including taxes and fees):

And for direct comparison, the (incorrect) Austrian prices without taxes and fees:

I setup a new PbtH device without any offsets for the latter.

Those are my PBTH prices shown in Austria (in cents including some base fees for SmartENERGY). So for me it seems to be correct. But I think when I woke up and read the news it also was showing me the “wrong” values.


Funnily enough my energy provider SmartENERGY was still showing the old prices a few minutes ago and now their online portal is in “maintenance mode”…

Hickups do happen. PBTH is just fetching whatever is provided bij ENTSO (or Nordpool as backup).

I read on forums that here is a problem on EU level today with prices. I assume all parties/energy providers and exchanges will be alligned again soon.

Actually good to see the ‘panic’ some of you immediately seem to have when things don’t work as they normally do. That shows again how robust PBTH has become over the years. Note: The donate button can be found on the first post and in the homey app store :wink:


Indeed one can’t program against these situations.
Like you I use Tibber. How do you cope with the situation as it is? Switch to manual control of the Sessy’s or let it just go with the flow?

seems to be a similar issue for German DE_LU prices.

while the prices on epex have two significat peaks.

I have no clue, if there is an issue at ENTSO or a misconception about the prices.
I understand that Tibber is based on EPEX prices and PTBH uses ENTSO. But I do not understand where the difference occurs as it worked fine within the hundredTh of a cent, whenever I checked.

Can you show me your settings? I added a fresh device for Austria. These are my settings:

In an email from AWATTar they also mention incorrect prices on ENTSOE:

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Those are my settings

@Gruijter btw now the prices seem to switched back to the “incorrect” ones. But I’m fairly certain that the problem is more from the API provider then from PBTH, in the end you also only can display what the API provides.


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For information:


EPEX is the exchange where the price is settled. ENTSO-E is a free and (usually) very reliable data source that publishes these EPEX prices.

Just to take a guess from looking at the source code: As far as I can tell PBTH has 3 different providers (ENTSOE, NP, STEKKER) for fetching the prices. It tries to fetch the prices one after the other, meaning if one fails it will try the next one, but if it succeeds the data of that provider is used.

So I think maybe due to the chaos today, or maybe even PBTH users trying to manually refresh the data and some API Key limit kicking in, the request to ENTSOE (which has the incorrect prices) failed and data from the next provider was fetched instead and used.

Then after some time PBTH tried to fetch the data again and ENTSOE returned (incorrect) data successfully and the prices were replaced by that.