[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Does the purchase price at ANWB also change every day? new rates after New Year’s Eve. have to adjust the price almost every day. Does anyone know what else I had to adjust for 2024? it worked well last year.

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In NL the taxes on electricity were LOWERED by around 2 cent/kWh. Gas tax was INCREASED significantly. Dit verandert er per 1 januari 2024 aan je energierekening

Hi @Gruijter ,

Happy user for some time here. Just got a new electricity meter and I wonder how to reset the power by the hour settings (preferably keeping old insights). The gas by the hour is fine (meter didn’t change).
Alle variables of the power by the hour device are from 5 years ago according to the device (not using it for that long though). Values are stuck at what they were before changing the meter.
Tried restarting the app, manually resetting them to 0 from the device (hoping they would start again after an hour) and tried repairing it via de maintenance option and adding it anew.

Any other options I could try before giving up on my insights?

Sure. Just go to the advanced settings and manually change this day/month/year start to 0 (or to whatever numbers that close the actual state as close as possible)

Already tried that. The problem seems to be that it doesn’t receive any updates. Present reading still at the value of the old meter. Maybe it ignores lower readings than those (doesn’t explain the five years ago though…)?

If i set 0 in these fields:

It starts at the beginning, does not your’s?

Did you change the source of the PBTH too the new one (Repair)?


Repaired it to ‘P1 meter_Σpower’. The P1 meter hasn’t changed and is working normally in the homey app.
I don’t see anything happening after selecting the new source and pressing continue (so have to leave the maintenance menu via back and cancel the settings to leave.

What kind of services for the P1-meter is listet in the Developer tools? Maybe it is a issue with the app developer of your P1-Meter, that uses “not convencional” adressing for the kWh.

@Ronald_van_Keulen many thx for your kind donation! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi, I know I’ve seen it somewhere but cannot find it anymore.
I want to make a manual distribution for my power consumption. With a heatpump and solarpanels the distribytion of the dutch government make not much sense.
I see in the device that I can choose ‘manual’ but I cannot find the place to make the actual distribution. Can anyone set me on the wright track

It is at the year target field. Enter the values from jan;feb;…;dec

OK, and the 'verdeling schema should be ‘handmatig budget’ ?


Since maybe a couple of weeks the flow card “Price is one of the lowest in the hours before ” seems to have a glitch. See this screenshot:


The flow card at the bottom returns yes, although I’m asking for the two lowest hours within four hours before 18:00, and it is only 13:23.

Do I miss something or is this a bug?

looks like a bug. I need to dig into this further. Maybe this weekend I have time.

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Thanks. Let me know if I can help in any way.

If it helps with debugging, here are the prices for today for my place:

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v6.1.3 is ready for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

@Hans-Christian Can you test too? I hope it doesn’t break your use case!

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A first quick test worked as expected. I’ll report back tomorrow again, when my regular flow should activate at 14:00 even though the price at 13:00 is lower. Thanks for the quick help!

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I don’t think this had an impact on my flows. Seems like the flow run as normal during the night. I will keep an eye on it and notify if I see something the coming days :slight_smile:

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