[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year


I’m new on this forum and using the homey pro 2023 for e few weeks now. The understanding is growing :slight_smile:
I’m trying to use the app power by the hour. If i make a new device with ‘power by the hour’ it asks me to chose the devices i want to include and shows the list of devices that can be included.
My “problem” is that i can only chose one of the devices shown. I woud like to shose moer of them at once. Is that possible and how to do that?. Could anyone help me out? Thanks a lot and kind regards. Robert

You mean ‘like to choose more than one’ I guess?
You can’t as you discovered.


Correct. That is intentional so that you are aware what you are doing. If you want multiple summarizers, just repeat the process for each device.

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Works like a charm in my case. Thanks for the quick fix!

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@HuisCHovens many thx for your kind donation! :heart:

Hi! What a great app I’ve found today. Great work, @Gruijter . I love its functionalities and look forward to using it more when my digital meter arrives.
The reason I found is app because I have SMA Solar Panels and the SMA-Homey app. The SMA Homey app gives me the kWh produced, but not per-string. Since I want to follow up my two separate groups of solar panels, based on their reported watts (which are succesfully polled every 5 seconds and can be found in a variable per string, so two wattages can be found) I found your app. However, after looking through the setup and the years of discussion here, I’m not sure if my use case is covered:

  1. I think I need to have a virtual device to show the kWh per set of solar panels 'like “Solar panels flat roof” and “Solar panels graded roof”. In the options, I selected ‘Use watt as a source’
  2. I wanted to send the wattage every 15 seconds through a flow, for which I chose the kWh card, hoping that through step 1. it would still be interpreted as watts, but that does not seem the case.

Is there any way to have PBTH take in the wattages from these two variables and turn in into (rough) kWh-readings in two virtual power summarizers?

Thanks again for the awesome work, this app is so flexible and well-built!

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Not via the PBTH virtual device. That can only take kWh. But you can create a virtual Watt device with the Advanced Capabilities app or the GROUP app. And that virtual device can then be added to PBTH taking WATT as source.
If I have too much time I might extend the built-in PBTH virtual device to also take Watt via flow. But dont hold your breath…

Up until installing the new meter, this (and the other) app were working fine. Nothing changed in between for the other app. Still no readings though… Repairing via the web interface (instead of mobile app) doesn’t do anything either.

I tried adding a different power summarizer but I don’t think I’m allowed to have more than one of the same kind (don’t see a new one appearing in my devices). @Gruijter , any ideas? Or should I just give up on my insights and delete / readd the meter?

Yes that should work. You should be able to add multiple summarizers for the same source device. What source app are you using?

@Gruijter This is an amazing app, thank you. Just now started to use it for spot prices. Very cool to get spot +1H +2H etc.

I see spot prices for a friend in Estonia (" New prices received for the Next hours" ) coming in exactly on the hour xx:00.
After a day or so, this can suddenly jump to +5m or +7m etc.
Because I did not know what it was I restarted the app PBTH and then the spot prices come in again exactly on the hour.
Is this a bug?
If not, why does restarting seem to help?

Is this still valid or does it apply to something else?

that doesnt happen on the same flow I created. It does it exactly on the hour. Do you use the latest version PBTH?
But theoretically It could happen if for some reason the (already known) future prices change. Maybe the exchange rate is updated? Or prices are corrected slightly on ENTSO-E? In that case it will trigger the card again with the new prices within 10 minutes after the hour.

Turned out to be a refresh issue. Second summarizer is up and running, works like a charm. Both summarizers use the same source Device Name and Device ID. Seems to be a bug, but unless you’d want me to send details I guess I’ll just delete the old device and take my loss at the accumulated insight data.

HP2023 v10.2.1

It does not trigger twice, but delayed.

I tracked the same spot prices with another HP2023 (not in Estonia) and he did get the spot prices exactly on the hour when the other one showed delay.

Works like a charm in my case. Thanks for the quick fix!

@Gruijter I might have been a bit too enthusiastic. Today the device was activated at 12:00, when it should activate in the lowest hour within three hours before 12:00. It wasn’t activated between 6:00 and 12:00 at all:

I’m pretty sure the marked flow card activated it, however shortly after 12:00 all three of them return no.

My prices for today are as follows:


According to these prices it should have activated at 11:00.

Looking at those prices a bit more, I think it also should have activated at 01:00 during the night instead of 02:00. (one of the four lowest hours in the eight hours before 6:00)

I am still on v6.1.3 (test).

Let me know if I can help in any way in finding this little, nasty bug.

Ill look into it. But I see you trigger every hour. Due to racing conditions it could happen that the trigger comes milliseconds earlier then PBTH being able to handle new prices. So you should delay a few seconds after the trigger to make sure PBTH has the correct info for the new hour.
Alternatively you could trigger on ‘new price’. That also makes sure (without extra delay) that the AND cards work with the correct data.

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Triggering on “new price” has the disadvantage not to trigger at all if the prices stays constant for a few hours. Had that around the Christmas holiday pretty much every day.

I will try to add a delay.

Can we maybe get a trigger like “new pricing time” or something similar? That would trigger every time a new price becomes valid, even if it is identical to the last one. Simply so that one can be sure that PBTH has really switched to the next hour. Otherwise what delay would work? One Second, two seconds, five seconds? Maybe a specific delay works most of the time and fails from time to time.

Me again with the negative readings. Yesterday we had a power break for 1 hour. After that all my Shelly Plug S once again was between -10kwh and -400kwh messing up all the stats. This seam to happen on all power breaks.

I don’t know a solution but what about make reading under 0 not count. Since if it’s not solar panel this can never be the case. Then I will end up with 0kwh instead of -400 kWh on power breaks. Just thinking out loud.

I’m puzzled this has never been brought up before, is it only me having this issue?


I am now setting the DAP VAT and fixed rate settings for Estonia and would really like to share my admiration for your great app.

One question that was asked before but I found no definitive answer yet: is there a way to force night rates other than using several flows? Holiday in Estonia is at weekend (night) rates for electricity.

I use another app to know if it is a bank/public holiday (Heating Controller by @balmli) so it would be nice to have an option to set/force current prices to a weekend/night rate.

I guess I could work out a number of flows to set todays DAP to a certain price, but I would like to avoid that.

Perhaps check a box in case today is a public holiday and that weekend rates are now valid?
Tips welcome.

PS I am still tracking this with both Homeys, so far no glitches.

What ingredient are you missing? Weekend markup is there, and you can dynamically change that from a flow.