[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

I’m using the weekend markup but what if a public holiday is on a weekday? Then I’d like to have the weekend rate too. It could be something like a check box for today it’s weekend rate

A checkbox where? PBTH has no concept for dates implemented. So if new prices are received for tomorrow, how should PBTH know that tomorrow is a public holliday?

I don’t mean to force a solution. Just an override could be useful. I’ll get the special days from the other app I wrote about.

I dont get how you see this work. DAP is not just about the price of the current hour, but also about all known future prices. Otherwise smart energy management will not work.

If you want to override the price of the current hour, you can do that already by sending the tariff you want to the price group of your choice. There is a THEN card for that.

I mean, I understand why you have a need for ‘holliday’ tariff settings. I just dont see an easy way to implement that in a usefull and consistent way. That would require a major data-architecture change.

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Great thanks for trying :pray:

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I am trying with flows.
When it is a weekday that is a public holiday then right after receiving new prices for the next hours:

  1. I change the Time of day markup to 0
  2. Wait until the PBTH has re-calculated the prices
  3. Use the new prices in my flow.

How long should I wait? Is there a timeframe/trigger that tells me that PBTH is ready?
As I do not know on weekdays if the previous day was a holiday, I need to do the same each normal day of the week (change the Time of day markup back to 7:0.0244;22:0) and let PBTH re-calculate.


v6.1.4 is ready for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • BAT: keep charging/discharging when almost full/empty.
  • DAP: Fix flowcard lowest average before. (@CaptainVoni please test)
  • homey-api@3.4.18
  • DAP: Fix flowcard lowest average before. (@CaptainVoni please test)

Worked fine during last night. Has anything specific been fixed compared to the previous version? With a delay it already worked fine; is the delay no longer necessary?

Yep. Depending on time of day and the settings in the flowcard and alignment of the stars, the ‘lowest average before x’ didnt always work as intended. That is now fixed.
The delay is still needed if you trigger on new hour. 5 seconds should be enough.

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Understood. I’ll keep a close eye on my flows and report back tomorrow or the day after.

(A lot of) Work In Progress…

AI based price predictions. Lets PBTH see 24 hrs further into the future.

The light grey bars are predicted prices.


v6.2.0 is available as test: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • DAP: Fix exchange rate fluke.
  • DAP: Added e-data source.
  • DAP: Added e-price forecast.
  • BAT: display forecast in graph.

Hello everyone, I searched the forum but was unable to find my answer. I have solar panels, so I use this app to know how much money I don’t spend by self consumption, but I can’t find the way to know how much I earn by selling the kw I don’t use. In France we are selling it to energy company at a different price and then I want to have a report every day about how much I earned by selling and how much I saved by self consumption.
If anyone can help that would be very helpful :wink:

Did you add a “Day-Ahead E pricing” (EU market spot pricing) item in to this app.
go to devices, press +, new device, select PbtH, select Day-Ahead E Prices, choose install, Fr_France, press futher, and go futher to the end.
Then you you have the day prices avaible in Homey.
You can read more above here (yes lot of page’s) but the info is there

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In that case you can set up 2 summarizers:
One for used (imported) kWh, with the tariff for buying
One for returned (exported) kWh, with the tariff for selling

How you couple your meter to the PBTH summarizers depends on your main meter.
Do you have seperate kWh values for imported vs exported kWh? In that case simply send both values with a flowcard to the appropriare symmarizer, e.g. on every change or every minute.

Thanks a lot for your answer. I followed your explanations but the price seems not right. I don’t have the right price. My contract is about a fixed price of electricity. It is about 0,2276€/kwh. And I sell to them my extra production at 0,13€/kwh.

See my answer for that ^^

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Was writing when you replied haha. Will have to figure out how to do that. My mettered system is an envoy device from Enphase.

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That sounds like a meter for your solar panel production. But what you need is a meter that knows how much of that production actually goes back to the grid. Or are your panels going direct to the grid (i.e. not connected in-house)?

They are connected in house. But every watts that I don’t use are sold to my energy company. First picture shows enphase report with all watts produced, all watts imported and those exported.
Second picture shows what is available is the homey app for solar panel with the enphase envoy. So I guess it is able to define all the power which is sold and all the one which is used by my house.