[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

@johan_W thanks for your support and donation! Cheers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::beers:

I have tested this card many times and I think there might be a bug with this card. It seems not not take price before the lowest price into calculation.

In example above, it would probably use 0,10 - 0,20 and 0,30.

If the pricing looks a bit different like this,

1:00 0,20
2:00 0,10
3:00 0,30
4:00 0,40

it somehow use 0,10 - 0,30 and 0,40. I would expect it to use 0,20 -0,10 and 0,30 instead.

I have a problem with the min/max values when using power summarizer.
In my house, I have two smart meters with one Tibber pulse each.
I have a setup with one summarizer for each Tibber pulse.
In the corresponding summarizer, all readings are correct, except the min/max values.
Tibber pulse #1 and corresponding PBTH power summarizer #1:
According to Tibber pulse,the min/max has been 176W and 7837W respectively since midnight.
PBTH summarizer #1 reads 1647 and 10440W.

Tibber pulse #2 and corresponding PBTH power summarizer #2:
According to Tibber pulse,the min/max has been 764W and 7478W respectively since midnight.
PBTH summarizer #2 reads 1556 and 13198W.

The Tibber pulse is updated with interval 30 seconds.
I guess this is due to the fact that PBTH works with KWh as the source?


Yes, and the min/max is calculated over a 2 minute average. So short peaks would not be found by PBTH. I would rely on the Tibber min/max. The PBTH min/max is less accurate.

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Can you show a screenshot of the exact card and the setting you use?

Most people forget that time is a flowing thing… so the lowest 4 hours for the next 8 hours at 13 o’clock will not be the same 4 hours and not the same 8 hours at 14 o’clock.

Thanks for looking into this Gruijter.
Below you find some screenshots from the flow and also the price scheme for today. If this works as I understand, average lowest 4 hours, last 10 hours before 7 in the morning should in this case be from 2am. However the flow started at 3am.
Not sure why this is happening, but I have tried to use different flowstarters without success, including just using the equal “when” card.

Made a new test during the night with the “when” card as shown below. This When card trigered the test message at 2 am and once again at 3 am. Looking at the prices, it seems like the flow should have been triggered at 1 am.

Agree. Will dive into it hopefully next weekend.

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v6.1.2 is ready for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • DAP: fixed flow cards for highest/lowest Before and highest/lowest Average.
  • SUM: stability improvements.
  • BAT: smart ROI tweaked for discharge value representing AC side.
  • BAT: Max discharge default changed to 1700.

This should fix the DAP flow card bug that @Hans-Christian found. I was able to find this very complex bug with the info he provided. The bug also impacted a number of other flow cards. Thx Hans!


Thanks for quick response @Gruijter . App is updated and ready for action tonight :grinning:.

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@Gruijter , Tonight both the live and the test flows started at the correct time. This night it should start at 3 am according to the price / time schedule. Not sure if this is intentionally, but the “When” card used in test flow, triggered first time at 3 am(as it should), then at 4, 5 and 6am. The “And” card that I use in my Live flow triggered also at 3 am, but seems like it did not trigger any further hours, which is good. The Live flow do not have the same logging turned on so I cannot tell 100% that it had a other behavior. Will do another test with this flow tonight with different logging.

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This is how I designed it (assuming you entered 4 hours as period). Looking at the flow card description I can understand that behaviour is not described well.

That is weird. Should behave the same since it used the exact same underlying code.

Thanks for clarify @Gruijter . I will do a new test with the “and” card tonight with more logging. Last night it only logged when the water heater was turned on, not when the flowcard triggered.

Thanks again for sorting this out!

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@Olex many thx for your kind donation. Much appreciated! :heart:

It was same behavior. All works fine now!

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Something eludes me. I’m in France and the update module shows me a price of

Whereas the price in France is based on the TRV, which is currently 0.2276€/Kwh? bearing in mind that the TRV generally only changes twice a year.

Is there anything I’ve done wrong?

Did you add this in the PBTH settings?

I’m afraid I don’t understand?

TRV is the regulatory tariff in France per kwh. it is revised about 2 times a year by France.

so i don’t understand why the value of the price recovered (in PBTH)for france is around 0.1137?

then if there’s a place where i can put this manual rate, why not, but i admit i’d rather not have to think about that :wink:

here are my parameters

PBTH is a generic tool that can fetch the bare day ahead market prices for many EU regions from ENTSO-E. These market prices do not include taxes or the markups from your energy provider.

The screenshot you posted is the place to add taxes and fixed markups.

If you want to use this app, you need to put in a tiny bit of work. Please be aware of the vast amount of effort I had to put in to make it this easy for you! :kissing_heart:

Thank you and far be it from me to condemn you.
and thank you for your feedback.

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