[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Hi Robin,

18u was the moment. Sessy most be unloaded. See screenshots.
Instead off unloading the Sessy went to loaded :frowning:

SchermĀ­afbeelding 2024-01-03 om 18.25.29

Any ideas?

The flow did the correct thing. Something else must be controlling your Sessy too. What other flows are you running? Or did you accidentally click on ā€˜chargeā€™?


I had a flow to store solar energy in the Sessy.
Flow is now disabled en its working

Many thanks

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Just to be sure, this isnā€™t a fix for the ROI card memory leak bug on HP 2019 yet I assume? If not, no problem :wink:

No, I dont think it can be fixed. The smart ROI flow only runs on HP2023. Either because HP2023 simply has more memory per app, or because it runs a newer version of NodeJS. If it is the latter there is still hope when HP2016/2019 get a firmware upgrade.

@Riks many thanks for your generous donation. Much appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::beers:

Hi Robin,
In the json file I am always one digit short, am I doing something wrong or is everything rounded to 0.0000 by default?

When I create the JSON it is indeed always rounding off to 4 digits

const roundedPrices = prices.map((price) => Math.round(price * 10000) / 10000);

I could change that to match the settings, but might create a JSON that is too long for Homey to handle.

Is it possible to add functionallity that shows me how much energy im selling from production of solar?
Like when energy meter reports negative value, do same status as for used enery. Or look at the delivered tarrif of energy meter.

If your main meter has a separate kWh meter for delivering to the grid, you can already do this by sending that kWh value to a virtual PBTH summarizer.

I tried that but I was not able to do flow connection since my smart meter is homewizard and not shown in flows.

Are you sure? Most (all?) capabilities of an app can be found as a tag in flows. So if you see your return meter value in the app/device, you can probably use it in flows.

If not, try the advanced capabilities app.

Yes Iā€™m sure, but Iā€™ll see if I can do it with advanced capabilities.

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Is it possible to set the tariff in PBTH from other sources like Tibber?
Or to use ā€œPiggy bankā€/ ā€œNorwegian Electricity Billā€ with adjusted tariff with subsidiary/financial support?
I just canā€™t see the flow for this.

Yes, for summarizer devices you can set the current price via flow. There is no way to use future prices from an external source.
Only the PBTH DAP device can fetch future prices that are used for PBTH calculations.

new test version 6.1.1: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • BAT: Improved XOM energy distribution over multiple batteries.
  • BAT: XOM smoothing defaults changed.
  • BAT: Max discharge default changed to 1550.

Question about the ā€œthe average price for the upcoming x hours is the lowest within the upcoming 8 hoursā€-card: is the calculated average a rolling average of the next x hours?

1:00 0,10
2:00 0,20
3:00 0,30
4:00 0,40

If I use the card at 1:30, is the average price (0,10+0,20+0,30)/3? Or ((0,10*(30/60))+0,20+0,30+(0,40*(30/60))/3?

That, but then 8 hours

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Thanks. I see I forgot to add that I used the next 3 hours of the upcoming 8 in my example above.

@Leo_Verwaal many thx for your very generous donation. Much appreciated! :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::beer: