[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Tomorrow changed energy taxes in the Netherlands.

Change the rates for your DAP device at midnight automatically using the special action card:

This flow has the prices for Zonneplan electricity and gas:


Thanks for the reminder! Even with a fixed contract the prices will change due to new taxes per midnight. I created this flow for my Tibber (dynamic), Gas (fixed contract) and water (Vitens):

Interesting, this flow card…

…isn’t available for me:

Not in the WebApp and also not in the smartphone app (iPhone).
Also no difference if I want to create a normal or an advanced flow… :thinking:
Is there something I’ve missed?

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Weird. More people say they dont have it. But I do :ghost:

I have this card in my HP19

In my HP23 I have this IF cards.

Both are under date and time.

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@RonaldNeed many thx for your kind donation!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You will find the right trigger cards for the date under ‘then’ and not under the ‘ if’ cards.


@Dennis_Fokkema I think you mean the AND card.
On my Homey Pro 2019 I have a IF card “de datum word…”
And a AND card "de datum is… "
On my Homey Pro 2023 I have only a AND card “vandaag is…”.

Today taxes on energy changed in the Netherlands. But i can not adjust tis properly.
The daily fixt costs on electric is -0,48525.

This is the keyboard gives only this:

No dot or -

Did you try the web interface?

No. I do not have a computer (anymore) :fearful:. Only iPad and iPhone.

I also noticed yesterday that it’s no longer possible to insert a comma with a smartphone.
(Homey iOS app version
But it seems that is related to the Homey App and not to the PbtH App. In other apps and devices where you have to enter a number in a number field in the advanced device settings, e.g. energy consumption, it is also not possible to insert a comma.
Will report it to Athom.

This works as it should.

Bug reported… :incoming_envelope:


You can use the browser on an ipad.

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I found a workaround. I copied and pasted the values.
To be certain, should I use a dot or a comma :fearful:

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I would like to charge my electrical car at night, during the cheapest 3 hours between 18:00 and 8:00 the next morning. I use this function (picture below), but I somehow have the impression that it does not look at the hours before midnight (so between 8:00 and 24:00). Is this correct and what would be a solution? Thanks in advance!

Schermafbeelding 2024-01-01 om 18.57.00

I have seen the other URL, sorry!
But thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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@Gruijter Can it be that retrieving gasprices from TTF_EOD is not working anymore, or just currently?

Hi Robin,

I’ve been running the beta with its corresponding flows for a few days now. So far, it still isn’t working. The old flow, however, does work. Any suggestions from anyone?

What is not working? I am running it for a few days now, and the new ROI flow works very well for me on my HP2023. It is not working on HP2016/2019, so in the latest test version I disabled the new ROI flows.

Note that you need to set a minimum profit that is low enough to trigger something. I set it to 0.1 cents now, and for today/tomorrow that is enough to start charging/discharging.

I also have a Homey 2023.
In the settings, I have enabled ROI status. However, it does not charge or discharge it.The profit is 0.1 for me as well.

As you can see in the tags, the active commands are completely empty. Could this have something to do with it?