Still haven’t been able to get this running since May, have tried many times with my PS4, always encounter timeout 10000ms…
I don’t have a Playstation 4 to test. Could you send a diagnostics report when you get the error?
Timeout 10000ms Error · Issue #2 · emi662002/PlayStationNetwork-issues · GitHub @Oyvind_Fosse please check my reply after the provided logs.
Hi Emiliano, not sure what I’m soing wrong, but I can’t get PSN device to work. It is grayed out all the time (no red icon though). I have followed the steps to connect with the token on another device and on my phone, copied the token and no luck. Fun fact: the tokens from two devices browsers (a tablet and a smartphone) are different.
The diagnostic report code is
I see indeed an error but I’m not sure what it is are you only copying the token and not the rest of the text?
Yep, only the token, copy/paste, I have even counted the characters (because they are masked), it’s 64. But I’m not sure why the token is different between the tablet and the phone? I thought it should be the same and only change after two months or so.
The token is new each time you authenticate. But it should work. Did you try to delete the device and add it again?
Yes, I did delete it. Tried with a bunch of tokens from different browsers.
Someone should make a video on how to do these steps. I don’t understand.
Hey Emiliano, any luck with my issue? Or things I can test out?
P.S. Happy New Year
Très bonne idée, moi aussi je n’arrive pas.