[APP][PRO] Picnic

Thanks for the reply. I will change accordingy.

Maybe you should concider to change the name of that “card”.
Maybe something like: “when the planning is made”.
“Boodschappen worden binnenkort geleverd.” (Groceries are being delivered soon). Does not sound like what you are describing in my opinion.

Keep up the good work.

Yes i have been struggling with the correct phrasing, i’ll take it into consideration!

That sounds awesome. How did you fix that battery order system?

I no longer have the flow to show you, but it was quite some work.

the trigger was simple: If a battystate changed.
Then i made a then card for every device, folowed by a picnic order with the battery needed for that device. crazy work now i think of it xD

Would it be possible to add products using the barcode?

Im thinking of a barcodescanner/camera above the garbage bin. empy? scan > order :slight_smile:

This has been requested before via GitHub as well and is also high on my wish list. But searching for products using the PLU code (barcode) is not supported by the API of Picnic unfortunately :frowning: