I made a test flow which gives the time in the local papertrials log and also on my syslog server.
local (on the Homey)
[2019-03-06T14:42:02.239Z] Tijd is 15:42
syslog server:
Mar 6 14:42:02 Tijd is15:42
De syslog server is ubuntu 16.04 and is logging for 2 years also info from my router (draytek)
cat timezone
Time Server pool.ntp.org
Time Zone (GMT +01:00) Europe/Amsterdam
Enable Daylight Saving V
In the Papertrials config i have Geek[zulu time], but normal seconds gives the same output
I am working on updating the PaperTrails App,
For Homey version 2.0 I have to remove some features that won’t work anymore.
These Feature have to be removed:
* Option to Import Z-Wave Log.
* Automatic Adding & Removing Logging to All Flows with a Prefix.
* Migrating Flows from Simple Log.
The option to Import from Z-wave will be removed anyway, please PM me if you used it…
I’m a happy Papertrail Log user for a while now.
Since V2 I need my phone or iPad for checking the log. Different on a pc the front is quit big now and not much information is vissible on a page.
Is it possible to make a user defined font size for the log? Or a smaller font size in basic?
Well to be more precise: it shows the log but I can’t open the Config or Maintenance tab. If I try to open one of these tabs in a new tab in Chrome (Windows) it opens a tab “about:blank#blocked”.
Haven’t figured out what blocks it. Any suggestions?
EDIT: does not work in Chrome or Brave, but DOES work in Edge (!?!)
Removed option to import Z-wave logs (Not possible anymore on Homey 2.0)
Hide Download Button on Mobile Interface (pls Go to Developers site)
Temporary hide Maintenance panel (as it doesn’t work in 2.0)
Started migration to i18n and translating from en to nl and de.
Moved the following to a Web App Dashboard Behind the Community HomeyBackup Web App: https://homeybackup.web.app/login/ (as it is not possible from Homey V2 anymore)
Added Magic!
Automatic Adding & Removing Logging to All Flows with a Prefix.
Does the same here in Windows 10 (1903), Chrome 76 64-bit (tried both in normal mode and incognito mode to see if some addins may have been harassing).
In Edge it does work.
Usually I work in Vivaldi browser (Chrome engine) and that one also doesn’t work (can’t change tabs like described by @CorvanderNiet)
Hi @Dijker Found a glitch (maybe something I’m overlooking).
Today I configured my Synology NAS as a syslog server and configured it’s IP-address in Papertrails (v0.6.0)
Set the IP-address and checked the enable box
Chose UDP port 514
Enable syslog or all log additions => Application name: Paperrails
Severity: Informational
Facility: User
Now whenever I add something to papertrail a log is also written in syslog (which is expected) however, the application name is Papertrails [first word]
Or, to be more precise: the first word of the Papertrail log message gets added to the application name and the second word and further are in the message itself. I saw something about prefixing the first word with but that doesn't change anything (just the first word prefixed with is omitted completely). Also the category seems to be local0 while I did setup User in the settings.
Now when I use the send syslog line card, i can choose the type of message which seems to work (tested only a few) but the User is also not working; when choosing Audit I get “Console” in the syslog and also still the first word of the message gets added to the application name.
Maybe I’m overlooking something or maybe there’s a little issue with syslog logging (or the syslog implementation in Synology)…
Adding the papertrails cards to all flow with the community backup and restore tool isnt working for all flows in my case, some are added some are not.
I only add it if the Flow does not have an Papertrails card already. and it must be a valid flow (not broken). pls try fixing or removing all broken flows first.
Tanks, ok, so i fixed all the broken flows and it did more flows, but not all.
so i went deeper, and fixed things like missing logic cards, wrong flow references and notifications to users that dont exist anymore.
but still not all flows are alterd. is there a way so see which flows are bottleneck?