[APP][Pro] Ngenic Tune - Smart control of house heat pumps

This is a thread for the Ngenic Tune app.

Please inform about issues or feature requests and I will try to fix it.

Ngenic Tune App for Homey | Homey

Source code on Github

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Hi, thanks for developing this app, much appreciated!
I am relatively new to Homey so maybe I’m missing something but I can’t find any AND cards for my Ngenic Tune. For example I want to do a flow like WHEN some door opens AND ngenic.outdoor temp is below x THEN notify me. But I find only WHEN and THEN cards for ngenic. Thanks for any help or a time frame when this could be added.

Hi! I’m glad you are using the Ngenic Tunes app! I think what you need to do in the AND section of the flow, is to add a “Logic” card (under System), and choose a card “Number is less than…” (or something like that, I have Swedish in my cards), and then in “Number” choose the “Temperature” tag for the Ngenic Sensor you want to compare against, and then add x to compare against.

I think this is similar for how you do it with other type of sensors as well.

Hope it helps!

Ah, yes! That worked, thanks for the fast reply and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

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