[APP][Pro] Motion Blinds

For Motion Blinds, the position should be right 99.9% of the time. Only if a command from an original Motion Blinds RF remote was missed would the position be wrong, and the app does refresh the position once a day, just to be sure. I never experienced any real problems with it.

Otherwise, wishing for the blinds to continuously transmit data without using the battery is like hoping for the laws of physics to change. And polling every minute or so would drain the battery in a very short time. It wouldn’t last a month, and the manufacturer sais it is harmful to the bridge as well. They explicitly asked me not to do it.

But again, there’s no need. If all is configured well in both the app and your network, the blinds report every change to the hub and the hub then informs the app. And if the app moves the blind, it would even work if position updates were somehow compromized. The app would simply assume tthat he position was set as asked.

What you describe can be done, the position is right there in the blind to test for. All you need is a logics card, as with any other device value you want to test. What is your experience to suggest otherwise?

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I just send in a report, as I’m unable to use the app in Homey. Should I elaborate here, or is the support ticket enough?

Just started using Homey yesterday, so I’m new to the game :+1:t2:

OMG, sorry! I had to add the curtain first, and not only have the app setup with key and ip.

Sorry, love this app/feature.

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c50bcbee-87a8-4eb4-aead-2dc2b88c32a9 That is my diagnostics report.
I have problems with
functioning of one curtain out of four.
in iOS 17 the window decoration does not appear anymore. The areas they do appear and telling that there are 2 or 1 decoration in that area. But are not visible.

For number 1 I ordered a second WiFi bridge but unfortunately it still stay the same. 1 curtain is not easy controllable. The signal here is -77dBm and second curtain same (livin)room is -56dBm. A third, in other (bed)room -71 dBm and the last (guest)room -53dBm. The WiFi bridge is in the living @ the best spot I could get, the guestroom is adjacent the WiFibridge separated by a brickwall.

The -77 causes the issue. Sometimes it works sometimes not. What could be a solution?

Regards, Max

Connectivity problems between the bridge and the blinds is something best directed at the manufacturer. The Homey app is fully dependent on the bridge - it listens to the bridge and sends commands to it over wifi and has no RF capability itself. Unfortunately diagnostics of the motion app will therefore also not be of any help.

Do be aware that blinds need to be paired to a specific bridge, they won’t start communications to new bridges on their own.

If pairing to the new bridge didn’t help, I’d look to see if the antenna of the faulty blind is ok. Maybe switch motors to another position to see if they behave better or just as bad in another position? And how about possible sources of RF interference near the misbehaving blind?


I just moved from a Homey 2019 to the new Homey Pro 2023 and using the “Motion Blinds” app for my Brel “Top Down Bottom Up” Duettes.
With the Homey 2019 everything worked fine, but I am missing a few flow cards which were available in the Homey 2019.
It looks like the When cards are all available.
For the And cards I am missing: “The position is fully open” and “The position is fully closed”
For the Then cards I am missing: “Set the top and bottom position to ‘top position’ ‘bottom position’”

Any chance of getting these cards back in the Homey Pro 2023?

Kind regards,

I am no longer the developer for this app (I transferred it) and I do not own a Homey anymore (let alone a new pro). But the cards you miss are quite easy to replace by a check on the percentage position of the blind, and by setting the percentage position to a specific value.

I just checked which options I have. I cannot select a card for checking a percentage position of a blind.

I replaced my “Set the top and bottom position to ‘top position’ ‘bottom position’” card with 2 seporate cards, 1 for top and 1 for bottom. This morning this went wrong, when I manually started the same flow it worked fine…

Strange things…

Maybe the current developer can look at this?

If memory serves me right these are logic cards.

Wrong how?

Not sure what you mean by that, but in the And cards I can only choose “The state is…”, “The top state is…”, “The bottom state is…”
In these cards I can only select from a list: “Up”, “Stop”, “Down” (“Omhoog”, “Stil”, “Omlaag” in het NL)
What I want to accomplish is, when I come home and the TDBU at the door is not fully opened, then open the TDBU (otherwise it is blocking the entrance).

The TDBU started to change position, then stopped and start to change position again and goes to a random position.
I worked aroud this by setting a delay in the cards, like “Set the top position to …” and “Set the bottom position to… with a 2 second delay”

Too bad it can’t be done in 1 card anymore.

Those cards are cards of the Motion Blinds integration, but if you want to test values, you should look for cards from the logic integration. The link below describes how to use its variables, but you can also use them on the position of the blinds.

Thanks for pointing me to the Logic cards themselves. I don’t use them alot, mostly I use logic in the cards of a product, so thats why I didn’t understand what you meant.

Besides the issues with the Motion Blinds app, I noticed that my Homey was updating every morning (for the few days I run the new Homey now). So I contacted support on that and came to the conclusion that my Homey didn’t update at all.
With the inital setup it automatically started updating but I didn’t check the version after initial setup, because no error appeared. So my Homey was still running version 10.0.0-rc.64 as it came out of the box.
This evening I planned to update Homey via the USB-tool, but this morning Homey completed the update automatically and is now running the latest version 10.0.8.

For some reason the old version was causing the “If” and “And” to disappear, because they are back now!
So problem solved…

Thanks for the help!

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Does anyone know if this app can be used with AMP motorization system also uses WiFi bridge
Stig Hansen

Hi, new to motion Blinds. Just have them installed. Working in the bridge. Added the code to the homey pro app but it doesn’t find any devices. Is this a known problem? Any help is appreciated.

Best, Wibo

The Motion USB bridge and Homey need to be on the same local lan. If either one is on a guest network and/or there are isolation features in place on that network then Homey and the USB dongle cannot see each other. (The Motion app is a bit different because it can also function outside the lan, so that is hard to compare).

If Homey and the Motion bridge are on the same network and they cannot see each other then we need to look deeper. Try in the settings with and without entering the ip of the bridge. Restart afterward, give it a minute and then try to pair a blind. Make sure you pick the right the blind, matching what you picked in the Motion app.

You can also try to check the settings option to use separate connections for sending and receiving. That has been known to help for some.

Thank you for the swift reply. I’ve tried all of that but still no luck. Not sure if my router is blocking traffic… but if this doesn’t work I might try to automate in the app or using Google. Not my favourite architecture but it might solve my simple requirements. Close by tilting in the evening and tilt back in the morning :slightly_smiling_face:


The logs could also be of help, but I no longer have a Homey so I transferred the app to another developer. The logs will go to him. But I may be able to help him out with it and see more from them, if extra logging is turned on.

Edit: you probably already did that, but make sure the bridge has the latest firmware. If you added the blinds with old firmware, resetting the bridge and adding the blinds fresh may help. There used to be an issue.

Last but not least, the bridge needs an ever increasing number, (based on time). It has happened before that, after a number of errors, those codes were refused. That fixed itself next day.

Thanks, will give it some time and try with a clean sheet tomorrow. Thanks for helping so far. Wish all developers where so responsive. Especially after they stopped support :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve manage to add them after starting over. Removed blinds from the bridge and added them again. After two tries they where added with numbers 5 and 6? But it now works. Not super responsive yet but let’s wait and see if the flows work. Thanks again for helping. Best, wibo

Weird, shouldn’t be this hard and I never had problems with responsiveness. Is the official Motion app more responsive or the same? I’d expect at least the same. Is the reception of the bridge decent according to the indication in the official app? Anyhow, glad it now works.

Works with Matter now in Homey :smiley: