[APP][Pro] Modbus

Thanks. And I have set the IP-addresses to fixed.

If I use single connect or manual, do I have to connect at the start of the flow and disconnect at the end of the flow? Or with every Modbus action?

Single connect is doing the connect/disconnect for every flow action internally. Then you don’t need to connect yourself.
Using manual mode. you have to connect/disconnect with the flow cards.

It depends on your use case.
If you are writing several registers at once, it would be better to connect manually. then oricess all flow actions and then disconnect.
If you are only reading/writing one register, the ‘single connect’ is the easiest way.

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Since yesterday the modbus app doesn’t work any more. It weird ehost unreached. I haven’t changed anything. But 16 ago rthe app stopped working. Even homey restart didn’t help.

The Homey can’t connect to given IP/Port

That’s behind Homeys control. Please check the device, IP settings, LAN settibgs, restart device etc.

Use this app to test if the device can be reached: Net Scan App voor Homey | Homey

Hello, was anyone able to connect Jablotron (for example futura) using this app? I have specification for my futura. For example. Address 40 is [fut_filte r_w e ar_le ve l] and type is int16 and unit %. I have no idea how to proceed. Main futura is device ID 1 and I added it as master. Do I add another device as slave or just start flow inside master device?

Also there is some information about futura:
From version FUA.P.03.12, data integrity protection when reading and writing Modbus TCP composite registers is added to the firmware data types such as: uint32, int32, float32 and data arrays. Newly, these registers must be read at once using commands 4 (Input) and 3 (Holding) and write using command 16 (Holding). When attempting to read/write only one part of a compound register, the unit returns an ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS error.

Master device with ID 1 should be right.

Then create a flow “read Holding register”.
Type should be INT16 (as you said), Register 40 and “Address, starting at 0”

Hope the documentation is right.
If 40 is a register instead of address, you can try the “start at 1” option.

I have error in my flow that worked for a while

Looks like a request timeout sending a value. Is the device online?
If you have other Clients connecting to the device (manufacturers mobile app, cloud service), it’s possible that a parallel request is not possible.
Easiest way is to use the flow card error output and try a second request after 1sec.

I did a restart of my routers. It works now :sweat_smile:. Thanks for the fast answer

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Is it posible to build a flow and set export limits? For exempel, price changed → the price is cheaper than xx → then set export limit to xx kWh. I tried the documentation but im to insecure.

I have a fronius gen 24 and byd battery

What exactly do you mean with “export limit”?
The inverter produces energy depending on the sun. You can’t easily limit the production I think.
Only way would be to set an inverter feed-in lock. I only know such a setting in inverter settings (logged in as technical user). But I don’t know a modbus register for.

If you want to reduce or enlarge battery usage or charging, you can set the max. Ampere for charging or dischaging.

You can check some examples in the thread or at the Blog.

Yes its the grid feed in. I think Thats the right name. My plan was to change that when prices is negative

You can force battery charging if price is negative.

I have a flow that adjusts that forces battery charging from grid with 50% of max power (or with flow parameter).

To reset this settings, set charge/discharge limi tto 100%

For every case you need a combination of these registers:

And you can set a timeout for these settings (I haven’t tried yet)

it’s basically the same settings you have in your Fronius WebApp (settings/energy management/battery management):

Sorry, only german screenshots :slight_smile:

First of all, thanks for your fast response. There is a setting in fronius where you can change the How Much you send to the grid. It is possible to change that in the settings if you are logged in. Dynamic feed in limitation and or export limitation. Fronius have the possibility to stop export to grid.

That’s a really new feature. I haven’t found any Modbus specific details.