[App][Pro] MCOHome App (v1.5.4)

And HOMEY PRO 2023 magically adjusted the time from CET DST to CET 2 nights before …

Oh, that would be great. However, I am not an expert with raw data.
Do you know what the raw data command should be to set the time to 08:00 (a.m.) for example?


Then, the magic works like described here:

Time command class is described in SDS13782 (…)(Z-Wave Management Command Class Specification). Time CC is mandatory for all Z-Wave Plus Gateways and thus is the recommended method for a device to set its clock to the current local date and time. Time CC Version 2 adds time zones and daylight savings time support if desired however V1 provides the necessary data in most cases.

The Z-Wave specification recommends having an association group to identify the time server node however the Gateway is expected to have an accurate time reference so using the Lifeline is acceptable.

The Time CC does NOT have a date/time SET command. Thus, the hub cannot set the date/time and instead must wait for the device to GET it. When a device is included in a network, it must send a Time GET command within the first few minutes to accurately set its internal clock. The device should then periodically send a Time GET to ensure the internal clock remains accurate to the local time. Note that for certification purposes a device CONTROLs Time CC, it does not SUPPORT it. The Hub is required to SUPPORT Time CC.

cited from:

So, it heavily depends on the device following the rules.
Regarding the MH7WH (which I run with HOMEY PRO2023, I can only say that it works.
What I do not know is the frequency of updates. Maybe only once a day at 03:09a.m. … so one might be a bit patient…

The homey shouldn’t be the problem as it supports ZW+ since 2016, AFAIK …

Has the app been abandoned?

FYI I’ve sent separate messages asking for help to both developer and the supporting developers, but no responses until today. Its sad - I moved to Homey after being using Fibaro for years - just for the flexibility/versatility but already thinking of going back, -


Hello, since this app is apparently dead, I figured out how to control MH-8 FC4 thermostat - missing flow cards for fan and thermostat state. Instead of flow card I use RAW commands and ease set of text variables. I hope this helps for those missing flow cards for this device.

Are there any plans to add support for the MCO Home OS11 presence sensor?

Does this support the MH5-4A thermostat?
If not, will it be supported?

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Second this. Would really like to see this.

Same problem, I have the MCO MH8-FC which is detected as a generic device and doesnt work. Are there any solutions to this?

If a device isn’t supported by the App, then there is nothing what can be done, except to make a device request.
See the first post for more information.

Hello Dirk, how do I create a request for adding A new device? Going back in the treads - there’re some that have same issues that I have. Having devices that per type/function are supported but due to minor changes they have different device ID that the supported - MH-S311 supported but not MH-S311-SL, MH-S312 supported but not MH-S312-SL, MH8-FC4 supported but not MH8-FC…

As in the first post mentioned, you can ask here or on Slack. I guess it’s also possible on GitHub. But the best place, in my opinion, is Slack, because Ted is most active on Slack if he is mentioned within the request.

Hi,New to Homey.I’ve added my Z-wave light switches (from MCO Home) and am facing a couple of issues:

  1. An extra device is being added - which seems to control all the switches (for example if i have a 3 switch module i will get 3 devices added - 1 foreach physical switch + an extra switch to toggle all 3 on/off). I don’t need this extra switch - can it be removed/disabled/hidden somehow ? it makes a room look like it has 2 switches when it actually just has 1
  2. When toggling the switch on/off in Homey - it is reflected in the physical switch on the wall. But when i toggle the physical switch on the wall, it isn’t reflected in Homey - how can this be fixed ?

in the advanced settings the “master” switch shows up as node ID 10, and the switch 1 is on node ID 10.1

No. The only thing you can do is to create a zone for „not needed devices“ and move this device into this zone.
I use a similar zone e.g. for remote controls like Philips Hue Dimmer Switch.


Some of my switches have a lot of association groups.
I have the same type of switch in multiple rooms, and in each room it has a different number of associations groups.

For example for a switch with 3 physical buttons I get 9 association groups as seen in the attached image

Might this be because I removed and added the device a couple of times ?
How can this be fixed ? Currently I need trial and error until I figure out which group relates to what physical button.

Association groups are defined by the device itself, each group useally has their own purpose the device can report (to), group 1 is the main group (for zwave 500 and higher atleast) where all functions/values if the device is being send to.
Group 2 - 9 are different functions of your device, separate buttons, or different sensors, check your devices manual for what functions if they are not specified when you open/edit said group’s setting.

I looked at the manual - there shouldn’t be 9 groups
When I edit the groups multiple groups say “switch 2” which is what happens when the second button is pressed - only one such group should exist.

I wonder if adding/removing the device can cause Homey to add these duplicate groups.

No, that is not possible.