Not much I can do at the moment. I need a newer NodeJS version on Homey to be able to update the kia/hyundai library I use. HP2024 has the right NodeJS version, but HP2016/2019 does not. That needs to be fixed first in a Homey firmware upgrade. It is unclear when (if?) this will be implemented by Athom.
I tried to connect my Kia ev9 to Homey Pro but got this message:
Something I can do about this? My pin and user credentials are set correct with the iOS app Kia connect
When I look in the logging this shows up:
Am I doing something wrong? When I force new status update, it don’t update all the parameters only the parameter that shows last update was made.
I had to add a delay of a couple of seconds before printing the status update to see the last values.
El dg, 25 ag. 2024 a les 9:29 Hamed Barati via Homey Community Forum <> va escriure:
If anyone is interested in connecting to (older platform, before UVO), I have build something to get automatic status updates from (it is for my Kia e-Niro from 2019). It is not an app, it is build in two homeyscripts Not really fancy, but it works (so far).
What info can you get from that site? I have a mijnkia account and our car (Niro phev 2023) is shown, but only mileage and some car details are shown and possibility to plan a service appointment. Is it possible to get some real info (like battery soc) that way?
Hi @Torch1969, I get more info from However, it depends on the payment plan (basis, plus of pro). I have plus, which was given for free after I asked for the free one (basis).
The following info is given:
odoMeter, range (EV), doorsLocked, handbrake, chargeLevel, isCharging, isPlugged, timeUntilCharged, averageUsage, drivingStyle, tirePressures and location (GPS)
Maybe you also have UVO? (which I dont have)
To enhance our services and improve your experience, Kia Connect will undergo maintenance on Tuesday and Wednesday (September 10th & 11th) from approximately 02:00 to 05:00 (CET). During this time, the Kia Connect app and in-car services may be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
@Gruijter my ioniq 5 is not connected anymore, showing red exlamation mark.
Can you please check diagnostic: 9a910d6c-bf40-473d-a95f-d225098fb21e
I only see login errors. Maybe a temporary server issue. Try resetting your car unit, and restart the app. If that doesnt help, just wait a day or 2.
You are right, I did nothing and it fixed itself.
Thank you for checking the logs.
Hello everyone,
I use this app to pre-climatize my Kia ev6.
What I can’t find when creating a flow is the possibility to also turn on the seat and steering wheel heating, the rear and mirror heating.
Anyone have an idea if that is possible?
I just started building flows with this app. I notice a huge delay > 1hr between a change in target SoC (by the Kia app) and before it is visible in my flow. I did multiple status refresh in the flow. Is this expected, or can I do something to improve this delay?
Cheers, Rob
v3.1.5 is ready for testing:
- Capability flows compatibility >=fw12.2.0.
- Code cleanup.
Is it possible to set the charging schedule for EV cars? The native KIA app has this option.
No. The idea of Homey automation is that you are in charge of scheduling via Homey flows
I do see some benefit there. Homey is still in charge by setting the schedule.
Maintenance Alert
Please note that on Sunday 27th, between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM (CET), you may experience temporary login issues with your Kia Account.
I’ve noticed that with Kia you can set and retrieve the target SoC. Is this also possible with Hyundai? I am asking as I would like to try and test the Homey app “Easy Charge Controller” and the Target SoC would be pretty helpful to have.