
COMING SOON current in Development!

JARVIS for Homey

JARVIS brings all your texts to life through your favorite speakers.
Cast to Google with a maximum of 200 characters or infinitely with the JARVIS TTS or Text Global tokens.

Currently has support for:

  • :speech_balloon: Cast messages to your Google devices
  • :speech_balloon: Create TTS and Text messegers to play them on your favorite speakers
  • :speech_balloon: Let Homey speak (only for Homey 16, 18, 19 & early 19)
  • :hammer_and_wrench: More functions current in development

Download in the Homey App Store!

:gear: Install JARVIS and start creating flows right away. No settings or api’s required.

Supported Languages :netherlands:

  • Dutch :netherlands:
  • English :england:

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below πŸ‘‡πŸ» or just open the pull down.

:closed_lock_with_key: Early app access


If you appreciate this apps, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution

or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: with iDeal or Bunq.me or become a surporter on Patreon

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Hi mister van der Linden,

let us know if you plan to make Homey Pro '23 part of those additional features. I would loooove to have Jarvis!

Yes I will.

Unfortunately, Athom turned off their server for speech input and did not build a microphone into the hp23, so β€œHey Jarvis” is not going to be him.

I will, however, build in as much as I can automatically, so it will be a nice full app. Next week, I’ll continue working on it again.

Still hope development is going strong for Jarvis. Would be a really awesome addon to use. Maybe a short update or timeline?