[APP][Pro] InfluxDb

Hey @balmli ,

I have a request for BLL variables to be saved to the InfluxDB.
QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.BetterLogic / issues / #12 - Be able to save numeric values to InfluxDB — Bitbucket

[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - Just some better logic, variable and library management - Apps - Homey Community Forum

When using flows for this, the flow will be killed when it gets executed to many times.

The solution for this i have just finished building and am using in the Device Capabilities App.

It would be great if you could implement this variable listener in the InfluxDB app :slight_smile:

If so, you would just need to execute these few steps:

  • run npm install betterlogiclibrary
  • add "permissions": ["homey:app:net.i-dev.betterlogic"] to the app.json
  • import BL in the app.js const { BL } = require('betterlogiclibrary');
  • init the BL in your app.oninit and set the BL.onVariableUpdate
await BL.init({ homey: this.homey });
BL.onVariableUpdate = async ({ variable, formattedDate }) => {
	if (!variable.remove) return;
	switch (variable.type) {	
		case "number":
		case "trigger":
			writeToInfluxDB('number', variable.value);
		case "string":
			writeToInfluxDB('string', variable.value);
		case "boolean":
			writeToInfluxDB('boolean', variable.value);

That’s it :slight_smile:
Well, ofc you need to really write it to the InfluxDB, but you get the point :wink:
And perhaps you need a setting if people want to write them, or something like that.

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